A View From the Tracks

By Dee Baby

Easter—a time for new beginnings. My life heads in new directions and so my column has to have a new title. Since the Burlington Northern is a stone’s throw from Dr. Krog’s abode, the general consensus is for this new moniker.
The painting process has begun with the help of Georgia, who was born with a paintbrush in her hand. She is like a professional home interior decorator and she doesn’t charge a dime. My landlord, Kent, was aghast at the rust color I chose for the laundry room and declared it looked like a pumpkin. Thanks to Eric Hill for installing my shades, which I am completely inept at.
I am driven this spring to de-clutter and simplify my household even more. Every magazine is filled with not only recipes, but right beside them, diet stories of people who have lost a 100 pounds and de-cluttering hints. One memorable hint was to pick up each item and if it doesn’t feel magical, ditch it. (Maybe I’m confused and that was a Harry Potter book.)
Spring has also brought on the urge to set goals for myself. One such goal is to hike Harney Peak (and make Cole proud). Another aspiration is to renew my love of bike riding. I have been watching Shain Knutson’s amazing progress of getting into shape and burning up the highways on his bicycle. I’m setting my sights on completing the Tour de Corn in Mitchell. I told Heather I might have to hide my scooter at the halfway point in a cornfield in case I poop out. I have ridden to work a few times. The first day it was 27 degrees, and I really regretted that decision. I can already tell my butt cheeks need a major rejuvenation.
I was so glad the sun showed its face once again on Easter Sunday. It’s always a bummer if kids have to put on snow pants and mittens to find the Easter eggs. Equally bad is having to hide them inside the house, although I have always been up for the old game of “Hide the Thimble”. Now many would be perplexed as to what a thimble is. I had to laugh at itsy bitsy Emery VonEye, who came “loaded for bear” for the Easter egg hunt. The other kids had small baskets, but she was dragging one as big as a three gallon bucket and bigger than her.
While watching the Swenson family egg hunt, I was standing beside Chad Eagle and happened to notice he had some really unusual sunglasses on. I kept my mouth shut about the gold emblem on the side and thought to myself, “Oakley’s must have a new line.” Later, someone did comment on his eyewear and he admitted he was wearing Gena’s! So, a manly man has a sensitive side. Hope he doesn’t wear them coon hunting.
Dee Baby

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