THE SPINSTER women who are left after two deadly tea parties, played by Margie Larson, Anita Fouberg, Lisa Snedeker and Carrie Howard, fawn over their shared love obsession, “Dennis O’Finn” (Gayle Feistner), while Detectives “Kramer” (Tom Fouberg) and “Wing” (Jack Davis) prepare to take a selfie with the deceased, Carrie “Nettie Norton” Gutierrez.
The community acting talent, along with the seventh and eighth grade from Woonsocket School, put on two fun, short plays last Thursday and Friday evenings.
“Situation Un-Sittable” was the first of the performances, put on by the junior high kids. The play took place in the McDonald’s living room, where the children were being taken care of by two babysitters while the parents went out to eat with his boss.
Cast members in the play were: Aleya Fry, Ellie VonEye, Andrew Lindgren, Jessa Fisher, Carter Linke, Kaitlin Brueske, Morgan Schmiedt, Xavier Baysinger, Noah Terkildsen, Josie Weber, Bailey Huss, Collin Schmiedt and Grace Terkildsen.
Stage crew and backstage help included: Kaylee White, Ashlynn Larson, Megan Baysinger, Taylor Lindsey, Isabel Miller, Brooklyn Swenson, Mariah Jost, Taryn Ziebart, Megan Linke, Caycee Guinn and Ashleigh Fry. Adults helping out were April Larson and Julie Davis.
The play was directed by Bernie Davis and Jody Schmiedt.
Following an intermission, the local stars of “Anybody for Tea” took the stage for a hilarious performance.
The story takes place in the home of six spinsters who are obsessed with their detective bachelor neighbor, the handsome and muscular Dennis O’Finn (Gayle Feistner). In order to lure O’Finn to their home, they decide they must stage a murder, and to keep him coming back, another must be arranged.
Cast members were: Feistner, Brett Kroeger, Carrie Howard, Lisa Snedeker, Anita Fouberg, Margie Larson, Carrie Gutierrez, Armando Rodriguez, Tom Fouberg and Jack Davis.
Lights and sound was taken care of by Kaylee White, and Ashleigh Fry was their prompter. Bernie Davis directed the adults’ play.
Thursday night, the Woonsocket Post Prom Committee served an optional spaghetti dinner before the performance.