Pictured, left to right, are: front row, Michael Schmiedt, Tryce Slykuis, Xavier Baysinger, Mason Moody, Noah Wormstadt, Andrew Lindgren; middle row, left to right, Spens Schlicht, Cayden Slykhuis, Logun Feistner, Garrett Dean, Trevor Olson, Austin Schmit, Malachi Bruce, Sawyer Senska, Ryan Poyer; back row, left to right, Jared Goldammer, Shaun Snedeker, Trey Weber, Trent Kingsbury, Koby Larson, Wyatt Feistner, Noah Dickson, Tator Moody; not pictured: Kadin Schlenker and Carter Linke.

THE 2016-17 Blackhawks high school girls basketball team is, back row, from left to right: Jessa Fisher, Catherine Bechen, Madi Moody, Tristan Ziebart, Abby Doering, Myah Selland, Sarah Morgan, Maddie Vermeulen, Tesa Jensen; front row, left to right: Taylor Lindsey, Kaylee White, Alissa Ball, Sydney Zeller, Abby Vermeulen, Erica Howard, Megan Poyer and Mariah Jost. Not pictured is: Kayla Olson, Samantha Dean, Taryn Ziebart and Katie Schmit.

THE LADY Blackhawks seventh and eighth graders are, back row, left to right: Shania Cornelius, Dana Schelske, Ellie Kisor, Brooke Doering, Caycee Guinn, Trista White; front row, left to right: Trinity Boschee, Dayton Easton, Teya Moody, Dilyn Brooks, Morgan Schmiedt, Ellie VonEye, and Cassidy Slykuis.
The 2016-17 Blackhawks basketball season will get underway this Saturday with a home doubleheader versus SBA. Varsity girls begin at 6:30 p.m., with the boys at 8 p.m. in Woonsocket. It is also Parents’ Night.
…To see the full basketball season schedule, pick up this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!