SCW Blackhawk girls compete in Willie Mac tourney

Back row, left to right: Taylor Lindsey, Taryn Ziebart, Mariah Jost, Katie Schmidt and Caycee Guinn; front row, left to right: Sam Dean, Cassidy Slykhuis, Morgan Schmiedt, Kaylee White and Ellie VonEye.

Back row, left to right: Taylor Lindsey, Taryn Ziebart, Mariah Jost, Katie Schmidt and Caycee Guinn; front row, left to right: Sam Dean, Cassidy Slykhuis, Morgan Schmiedt, Kaylee White and Ellie VonEye.

SCW seventh and eighth grade Lady Blackhawks brought home fourth place in the Willie Mac tournament last weekend in Brookings.
The girls took on Estelline in the first round with a one-point win. They were defeated by Milbank and Clark Willow Lake in later rounds.

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