Supt. Whitney to retire after 32 years with school district

By Bailey Moody, Tamra Mann & Kaitlyn Thomas

SUPT. LINDA Whitney began her local career as Artesian’s music teacher in 1984. She worked at a number of different capacities in Artesian, Artesian-Letcher and Sanborn Central.

SUPT. LINDA Whitney began her local career as Artesian’s music teacher in 1984. She worked at a number of different capacities in Artesian, Artesian-Letcher and Sanborn Central.

As the 2015-2016 school year is coming to an end, so is Mrs. Linda Whitney’s time at the Sanborn Central School. Mrs. Whitney is the superintendent at Sanborn Central, but after finishing out this year, Mrs. Whitney will be retired. Mr. Justin Siemsen will be taking Mrs. Whitney´s place the next year.

…To learn more of Supt. Whitney’s history working in the education system, pick up a copy of this week’s Sanborn Weekly Journal.

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