Artesian First Lutheran Church news

Bible study and quilting was held at the Artesian First Lutheran Church on Tuesday, March 14, at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Judy Wormstadt, Jess Ludvik, Joyce Olson, Wanda Effling,  Shirley Olson, Terri Moore, Deanna Dean, Ayla Moe, Jaslyn Swearingen and Jerolyn Dean.
Judy Wormstadt opened the meeting with devotions titled “A Bad Cup of Coffee.” Deanna Dean led the Bible study, “A Haven for Healing,” based on Ezekiel 24: 1-16. Lunch was provided by Jerolyn Dean.
A short business meeting was held. Upcoming events include a bake sale to be held in conjunction with the annual CIA Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15. Please have your baked goods at the Community Center by 9 a.m.  This year we will have some quilts on display for sale at the bake sale.
The Medary Spring Gathering is Saturday, April 22, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Madison. Registration starts at 9 a.m., and the cost is $12, which includes lunch. Please consider donating items for the silent auction that day.  Proceeds from the auction will be sent to mission projects in Nicaragua. This is always an inspirational and fun day. Mark your calendars to attend.
The business meeting adjourned and then there were several baby and full sized quilts to be tied, as well as other quilting projects to work on.
The gals will once again be making a quilt for the Lutheran Outdoors Quilt Auction. Deanna Dean applied for and received Thrivent action money that was used to purchase fabric for this special quilt. Judy Wormstadt showed the pattern and the material that will be used. The gals will start working on this project at the next quilting session in April.

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