Hope Circle meets

Hope Circle met at Prairie View Health Care Community on Oct. 12 at 5:30 p.m., with six members and one guest attending: Ruth Jensen, Barb Coulthard, JoAnn Schladweiler, Jannet Larson, Vicki Linke, Sue Larson and Julie Davis. Vicki Linke was our hostess.
Devotions were read by Vicki Linke once the meeting was called to order. Sue Larson read the September minutes and gave a treasurer’s report. JoAnn Schladwiler gave the W/ELCA financial report. Two hundred dollars was sent to Lutheran World Relief for shipping expenses for mission quilts and kits.
A thank you was read from Marian Andersen for the birthday card the group had sent her, plus a sympathy card was signed by everyone for Vickie Hines, who recently lost her aunt.
The “Women of Faith” will meet on Oct. 18 at 6:45 p.m. at the church for their regular quarterly meeting.
Nov. 19 will be “Commitment Sunday” to declare pledges for the new church building project. It is also the date for the Community Choir’s Christmas Cantata and potluck supper.
Pamphlets and boxes were distributed for “Operation Christmas Child” shoeboxes which will be turned in during the November meeting.
Discussion was held on the Christmas candy tray sales. It was tabled until the next meeting, which will be Nov. 9 at PVHC with Barb Coulthard as hostess.
The Christmas meeting will be on Dec. l4 at Sue Larson’s. The group decided to meet at PVHC on Dec. 7 to do the December Bible study from “The Gather” magazine with the residents.
Bible study was “The Apostles’ Creed Session II: I believe in Jesus Christ…” with John 20:24-31 as the Bible text.
Residents joining the meeting were Myrna Hjelm, Babe Larson, Phyl Manke, Patti Knigge and Ruth Berg.

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