Fuel Up to Play 60 SD Ambassador Bailey Feistner teaches club members how to make an easy healthy snack.
The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on June 12, at the Community Center in Woonsocket. Prior to the meeting, supper was served by the Senska and Baysinger families. Members each painted a rock to be placed in the rock area by the 4-H Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Aaron Linke. The flag pledge was led by Devyn Brooks, and the 4-H pledge was led by Hope Baysinger. Roll call was led by Vice President Xavier Baysinger with the question, “What am I looking forward to doing this summer?” which was answered by 18 members.
The secretary’s report was read by Secretary Spens Schlicht and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Megan Linke and approved.
Safety Officer Sutton Senska gave a safety tip. Members presented the following reports: Public Speaking Workshop – Bailey Feistner, Special Foods Workshop – Megan, Special Foods Contest – Sutton and Hope Baysinger, Teen Leadership Conference – Nathan Linke, Consumer Decision Making Contest – Dilyn Brooks, State Shoot – Devyn and Danielle Brooks, Setting Barrels – Lane Burkel, Poultry Camp – Hope, Foothills Rodeo Queen – Bailey, Distributing Poppies – Morgan Schmiedt, RASDAK – Lane Burkel, and Rocket Workshop – Hope.
Under old business, members talked about offering a Parliamentary Procedure Workshop.
Under new business, Bailey and Dilyn talked about their plans for competing in the horse show on June 26. Hope and Lane plan to participate in the Fashion Revue Contest on July 6. Club members who plan to do the Public Speaking Contest on July 6 are Aaron, Nathan, Megan, Hope, Xavier, Bailey, Lane, Sutton and Spens.
Members discussed some of the improvements and changes planned for Achievement Days.
Following the meeting, Bailey presented an illustrated talk and an activity on Fuel Up to Play 60. Bailey is a Fuel Up to Play 60 Ambassador for South Dakota. Shiloh Senska demonstrated how to make Creepy Cracker Snacks. Lane gave an illustrated talk on his hobby and collection of Legos. Sutton did an illustrated talk on Miniature Cattle.
The next meeting is planned for July.
…See more pictures of the meeting in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.