Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on June 12th, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the distance learning room of the Woonsocket School. Members attending were: Jason White, Lisa Snedeker, Gary Steichen, Todd Olinger and Jodi Doering. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Carrie Gutierrez, Neal Hiemstra, and Chris Selland. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Gary Steichen, the Board approved the meeting agenda with three additional items to come before the Board.  Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on May 9th, 2017, were approved as presented on a motion by Gary Steichen seconded by Jodi Doering. Motion carried.
On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the May 2017 financial report as follows:  Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND, Beginning balance: $965,249.54; Add receipts: Taxes $192,988.42, Interest $463.90, Other local $2,554.14, State $81,941.00, Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for:  $1,243,197.00; less disbursements: $157,282.74; Cash balance: $1,085,914.26; Fund Balance: $1,085,914.26.
CAPITAL OUTLAY,  Beginning balance: $782,638.35; Add receipts: Taxes $144,104.25, Other local $0.00, Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for:  $926,742.60;  less disbursements: $2,247.86;   Cash balance: $924,494.74;  Fund balance: $924,494.74.
SPECIAL EDUCATION, Beginning balance: $355,623.00; Add receipts: Taxes $68,070.60, Other Local $155.00, State $0.00, Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $423,848.60; less disbursements: $30,149.95; Cash balance: $393,698.65; Fund balance: $393,698.65.
PENSION, Beginning balance:  $235,285.35; Add receipts: Taxes $55.87, Other Local $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $235,341.22;  less disbursements: $0.00; Cash balance: $235,341.22; Fund balance: $235,341.22.
FOOD SERVICE, Beginning balance: $37,334.70; Add receipts: Pupil receipts $4,829.00, Adult receipts $587.55, Milk receipts $0.00,  Interest $1.47, Other local $74.15,  State $0.00,  Federal reimbursement $6,144.38; Total to be accounted for: $48,971.25;  less disbursements: $11,410.47; Cash  balance: $37,560.78; Fund balance: $37,560.78.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53,  Beginning balance: $14,745.54; Add receipts: Other local $2,616.20; Total to be accounted for: $17,361.74; less disbursements: $5,080.80; Cash balance: $12,280.94; Fund balance: $12,280.94.
TRUST AND AGENCY, Beginning balance: $20,223.59; Add receipts: Interest $.88, Pupil activities $1,176.00; Total to be accounted for: $21,400.47; less disbursements: $1,528.80; Fund balance: $19,871.67.
Salaries and benefits for the month of May 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: $129,456.00
Special Education: $16,027.76
Enterprise #53: $5,027.80
Food Service: $5,620.56
Arrowwood, Lodging – Superintendent $183.90
AT&T, Cell Phone $58.25
Attorney Rodney Freeman, Audit Confirmation Letter $121.40
Bakers Design, Flowers/Ballons – Graduation/Concert/AAA $251.50
City of Woonsocket, Water Service $126.32
Creative Printing, Blackhawk Decals $97.60
Creative Products Sourcing Inc. – Dare, Dare Medals $11.45
Davison County Implement, Mower Parts/Turf Guard $153.26
Einsteins, Costume Rental – Drama $354.50
Express 2, Gas – Vehicle/Mini-Bus/Driver’s Ed $376.33
Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles/Mini-Buses/Mower $257.81
First National Bank, Rooms – Region Golf – Visa $264.00
Heuer Publishing LLC, Drama Royalties/Script $271.00
[Imprest Fund:
Edgebrook Golf Course, Region Fee/Pre-Region Fee $90.00
Howard School, Golf Entry Fee $40.00
Plankinton School, Golf Entry Fee $80.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
Wessington Springs School, Golf Entry Fee $80.00
Total May Claims: $584.00]
K&D Busing Inc., Regular Route/Elementary Trip $12,940.40
Lehr, Dave, Tech Contract Fee $125.00
Local Lumber, Custodian/Shop Supplies $172.27
McCain, Tim, Golf Scorekeeper – Region Golf $100.00
McLeods, Timecards $49.14
Menards, Custodian/Football Field/Tables $1,312.15
NorthWestern Public Service, Electric Service $3,389.44
Petty Cash, Postage Expense $22.00
Rodriguez, Armando, Reimbursement – Region Golf Fee $80.00
Sanborn Central School, Shared Staff/Coaching/Ex-Curricular $52,481.32
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications $455.56
Sanders Printing Co., Eighth Grade Diplomas $92.67
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $302.31
Signature Plus, Awards Banquet Awards $1,627.15
South Dakota School Superintendent Association, Superintendent Conference Fee $150.00
Thunes, Keys $9.95
US Post Office, PO Box Rent $92.00
Walmart, Supplies $63.22
Waste Management of WI-MN, Garbage Service $622.75
Wessington Springs School, Shared Wrestling Expense $1,672.90
Fund Total: $78,871.55
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $925.13
First National Bank, Building Payment – P&I – Agent Fee $81,445.00
Santel Communications, Final Zero Percent Interest Building Payment $30,000.00
Fund Total: $112,370.13
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $598.84
Parent/Guardian,     Parent Mileage – Special Education $151.20
Sanborn Central School, Shared Staff – Speech $29,292.05
Fund Total: $30,042.09
Sheraton, Lodging – Pre-K Conference $238.00
Fund Total: $238.00
Child and Adult Nutrition, Food $212.31
Earthgrains Company, Food $164.84
School Nutrition Association SD, Conference Fee (Two) $220.00
Variety Food, Food, Supplies, Dishwasher Rent $1,313.53
Walmart, Supplies $90.87
Woony Foods, Food/Supplies $27.94
Fund Total: $2,029.49
Chris Selland gave the financial report and presented the preliminary 2017-2018 budget.
Superintendent Weber advised that the updated board policy manual has been completed, and the manuals were distributed to the Board. He also advised that the Woonsocket District is the recipient of the “Community Helping Hands” award given by School Administrators of South Dakota for the community theatre project. The Board would like to thank the City of Woonsocket and each and every donator for supporting this project.
Discussion was held on summer improvement projects to include replacement of the fence around the playground, insulation and updating of the garage as the snow blower can no longer be stored in the gymnasium building due to fire code, and some painting projects in the gymnasium.
The heating system was discussed, with Superintendent Weber and Jason White attending a meeting with G&R Controls to discuss further options. A geothermal system is being considered, with digging of some test holes being the first step to determine if the geothermal system could be an option. Also being considered is the rebuilding of the current boiler (approximate cost of $25,000.00) in hopes of extending its life for several years in order to build up the Capital Outlay funding necessary to replace the current system with the geothermal option.
Pre-school will be held with two groups of four-year-olds, with one group attending Monday and Wednesday and alternate Fridays and the other group attending Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays (all day classes). Cost will be $50.00 per month. The three-year-old class will be held two mornings a week in the special education resource room, and the cost will be $35.00 per month. The reason for splitting the four-year-old class was due to the large class size. Principal Paula Lynch advised that work has begun on the Title 1 application.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Lisa Snedeker, the Board approved the 2017-2018 Associated School Boards of South Dakota membership dues of $846.24. Motion carried.
On a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Jodi Doering, the Board approved the comprehensive special education plan for 2017-2018. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve the 2017-2018 budget and set the annual budget hearing for July 10th, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the distance learning room of the Woonsocket School. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Gary Steichen, to approve a special board meeting to be held on June 28, 2017, at 12:00 p.m. in the commons of the Woonsocket School for the purpose of supplementing the 2016-2017 budget prior to the end of the fiscal year. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the following items as surplus and salvage and to direct the district to dispose of the items as they see fit:
•    36 fourth grade student English books – copyright 1988;
•    24 Laura Ingalls Chapter books – cannot be repaired;
•    11 grammar workbooks – fourth grade;
•    eight spelling workbooks – fourth grade;
•    nine practice workbooks – fourth grade;
•    20 third grade social studies textbooks – outdated;
•    30 fifth/sixth grammar workbooks;
•    20 VHS tapes;
•    108 level books.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve the new health insurance plan with Avera through Dice Financial, effective July 1, 2017, with the June premium payment. There was no increase in rates, and the new negotiated tiers will be in effect with the June payroll. Motion carried.
It was moved by Jodi Doering, with a second by Gary Steichen, to approve a change in location for all regularly scheduled board meetings from the community library to the distance learning room in the school. Motion carried. The reason for the change is the rearrangement of the library to provide more space.
Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve a subscription to Safeschools – an online training system to provide for mandated teacher training at a cost of $400.00 annually. Staff will be able to complete training requirements, such as suicide prevention training, and not have to travel or be absent from school to attend training. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve the 2017-2018 employee salary schedule. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve a change in the wrestling co-op split from 30 percent Woonsocket/70 percent Wessington Springs to a split of 40 percent/60 percent. The co-op split is not 50/50 due to the fact that all practices and home meets are at Wessington Springs and the Woonsocket wrestlers do the traveling to all practices. This was a renegotiation with the Wessington Springs District and will take effect for the 2017-2018 school year. Motion carried.
Wages for the summer part-time and substitute librarian were set at $12.00 per hour effective June 1, 2017, on a motion by Lisa Snedeker with a second by Gary Steichen. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Lisa Snedeker, to authorize Superintendent Weber to pursue a test drilling at a cost of up to $3,000.00 to determine the feasibility of a geothermal heating system prior to any decisions being made on the heating system options. Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the June 12th, 2017, regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. on a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Jodi Doering. Motion carried.
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