THE WOONSOCKET sixth graders recognize and thank the veterans in attendance at the school’s Veterans Day Program.
The Woonsocket School presented their Veterans Day program on Thursday, Nov. 9, in the Woonsocket School Gym. Prior to the day of the program, grades K-6 worked together to write and send invitations to all the veterans in Sanborn County to attend the program in their honor.
The program started with the American Legion Post 29 of Woonsocket posting the colors. Shanae Blew led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Superintendent Rod Weber welcomed everyone and introduced all the veterans in attendance. The sixth grade presented flags to all the veterans, courtesy of the Baruth family. The Woonsocket Band then played “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “America the Beautiful.”
Grades fourth through sixth presented oral readings about the origin of Veterans Day and poetry, along with a cheer. Following the readings, the elementary students all sang the famous song “Proud to be an American” by Lee Greenwood with sign language under the direction of Mrs. Judy Hinker and Mrs. Kylie Pauly. Grades K-2 then sang a song entitled “See the Veterans,” and the sixth grade folded an American flag while a student read the reasons for each fold.
Finally, grades 5-6 sang the song “American Tears” by Teresa Jennings while a video of historical moments and events during war and times of active duty for American soldiers played on a big screen.
The program ended with a moment of silence with the playing of Taps and then the American Legion Post 29 of Woonsocket retiring the colors.
It takes the entire school and the help of all the teachers to make this program possible.
…See more pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!