The 2018 281 Conference Boys’ Basketball Champions and cheerleaders are pictured above, front row, left to right: Dana Schelske, Ashleigh Fry, Josie Weber, Ryan Poyer, team managers Payton Uecker, Bryce Larson, and Aiden Lieber, Chloe Ruml, Aleya Fry, and Amber Schelske; middle row: Carter Linke, Austin Schmit, Spens Schlicht, Trey Weber, Trey Ulmer, Kadin Schlenker, Cayden Slykhuis, and Andrew Lindgren; back row: Cheer Coach Melissa Wormstadt, Assistant Coach Tucker Kingsbury, Head Coach Rod Weber, Sawyer Senska, Trent Kingsbury, Tater Moody, Jared Goldammer, Devon Weber, Noah Dickson, Malachi Bruce, Assistant Coach Rick Olsen, and Assistant Coach Matt Henriksen.
The boys’ basketball team won their first 281 Conference Championship as the SCW Blackhawks with a victory over Wolsey-Wessington on Thursday night in the Huron Arena. It was a tough road to get there, but the boys accomplished what they had set out to do from the first round of play.
…To see more pictures and read details about the games, pick up this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!