Sealed bids for a stadium seating project will be received by the Sanborn Central School District No. 55-5 of Sanborn County, South Dakota. All bids should be submitted to Sanborn Central School, Attention: Superintendent Justin Siemsen by Friday, May 11th. All bids will be opened and read aloud at the Monday, May 14th school board meeting held in the board room at Sanborn Central in Forestburg, South Dakota.
Project should include:
– 400 – 500 seating capacity
– All materials required to construct the seating, including delivery
– Options for ground work (preferably gravel as opposed to concrete slab)
– Meets all specs and regulations for accessibility.
To gain more information about this project, please contact Superintendent Justin Siemsen either by phone (605-495-4183) or email
The Sanborn Central School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of bids to waive informalities.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Sanborn Central School
District 55-5