The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, November 12, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central conference room with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, and Schmit. Others present included Superintendent Siemsen, Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen, and Business Manager Bechen. Spelbring arrived at 7:03 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Visitors to Board Meeting: None.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on October 8, 2018, as printed.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills.
General Fund balance, October 1, 2018: $213,871.10. Receipts: taxes $877.24, interest $35.73, other pupil $307.50, other local income $164.40, state aid $53,790.00, admission $1,029.00, voided checks $369.40. Expenditures: $162,280.05. Balance, October 31, 2018: $108,164.32. CorTrust Savings balance, October 1, 2018: $50,226.24. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, October 31, 2018: $50,226.24.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, October 1, 2018: $837,908.00. Receipts: taxes $627.18, interest $219.89. Expenditures: $50,465.35. Balance, October 31, 2018: $788,289.72.
Special Education Fund balance, October 1, 2018: $74,620.82. Receipts: taxes $107.86, interest $13.74. Expenditures: $24,800.34. Balance, October 31, 2018: $49,942.08.
Pension Fund balance, October 1, 2018: $423.29. Receipts: $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, October 31, 2018: $423.29.
Food Service Fund balance, October 1, 2018: $628.85. Receipts: student meals $7,802.90, adult meals $387.00, ala carte $416.04, meal certification $138.78, federal reimbursement $4,424.13, misc revenue $613.01. Expenditures: $15,874.86. Balance, October 31, 2018: $(1,464.15).
Enterprise Fund balance, October 1, 2018: $22,286.92. Receipts: interest $5.50, preschool tuition $2,549.75. Expenditures: $3,862.42. Balance, October 31, 2018: $20,979.75.
Trust and Agency Funds balance, October 1, 2018: $55,873.92. Receipts: $13,791.65. Expenditures: $11,497.21. Balance, October 31, 2018: $58,168.36.
Scholarship Fund balance, October 1, 2018: $11,691.21. Receipts: interest $1.51. Expenditures: 0.00. Balance, October 31, 2018: $11,692.72. Peters Scholarship balance: $11,692.72; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Salaries and benefits for the month of November, 2018 were as follows:
General Fund: $146,689.08;
Special Education: $16,418.54;
Food Service: $8,604.14;
Enterprise: $3,933.34.
Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A&B Business, copy cost $327.61; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $31.45; American Garage Door, garage door repair $138.75; Baker’s Design, all state chorus flowers $53.50; Brooks Oil Co., #1 diesel $2,585.11, gas $598.00; Carquest, bus supply $111.84; Central Electric, October/November electricity $5,313.24, mini split repairs/parts $564.16, security light repair $327.61; Clayton’s Repair, bus tires $667.68, bus repairs $104.96; CorTrust, air cards $120.03, all state chorus rooms $1,161.00; Nikki Dawson, South Dakota Mentoring reimbursement $102.98; Department of Revenue, water testing $15.00; Jenny Easton, all state chorus gas $100.63; Gary Goudy, bus supply $47.91, CDL renewal $33.00; Harlow’s Bus Sales, bus parts $146.44; Heartland Paper, janitor supply $940.35;
[IMPREST: Gayle Bechen, all state chorus meals $302.00, FFA national convention meals $520.00; Brookings Fall Fest, oral interpretation entry fee $74.00; Lynne Calmus, volleyball referee/mileage $194.78; Zach Clement, junior varsity football referee $35.00; Josten’s Yearbook Seminar, entry fee $40.00; Jason Kolousek, junior high football referee 25.00; Charley Larson, junior high/junior varsity football referee $60.00; Tim McCain, fifth/sixth basketball referee $125.00; Robin Moody, fifth/sixth basketball referee $75.00; Tater Moody, fifth/sixth basketball referee $50.00; Plankinton School, oral interpretation fees $54.56; Region V Music, junior high music fest $55.00; Sanborn Central Juniors, library periodical $27.00; Justin Siemsen, junior high/junior varsity football referee $60.00; Marcy VanZee, volleyball referee/mileage $191.00; Kayla Vetter, volleyball line judge $105.00; Will Walker, junior varsity football referee $35.00];
Danielle Johnson, guidance supply $39.98; K&D Busing, shared busing $2,677.96; Menards, janitor supply $19.07, ag supply $102.17, high school supply $22.46; Mid-Dakota Technologies, October tech support $140.00; NASCO, elementary supply $3.70; Popplers Music, vocal music $101.55, band music $108.95; Premier Equipment, bus repairs $1,407.62; Quill Corp, ink cartridges $606.23; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $301.77, back to school ad $57.38; Santel Communications, phone $237.00; School Specialty, kindergarten supply $174.61, ag supply $109.30, business office supply $11.75, elementary supply $11.51, middle school supply $11.51, high school supply $11.52; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts, bus repair $30.51.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier rent $899.87; Cengage Learning, elementary textbooks $2,967.20, colony textbooks $2,967.20, middle school textbooks $2,070.00; School Specialty, elementary furniture $1,361.22, colony furniture $143.73, middle school furniture $892.90.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Behavior Care Specialists, October tuition services $6,242.00; October 2018 mileage, $441.00; Microsonic, Special Education supply $43.75; Quill Corp, speech ink $17.71; October 2018 mileage $100.80.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Card Services, food $15.98; Child/Adult Nutrition Services, processed commodities $268.50; Darrington Water, SS tank $24.00; Dean Foods, milk $639.02; Earthgrains Baking, bread $87.32; Hobart, door slide $54.83; Menards, supply $14.85; Reinhart Foodservice, food $5,397.22, supplies $495.91; School Nutrition Association, national/state dues $140.00; Woony foods, food $7.10.
Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:
•He attended the quarterly JVEC meeting (nothing new to report);
•Superintendent Meeting Discussion: A new testing platform is out for bid (state standardized test), and a decision will be made likely in January. Potential areas for legislative push in education were discussed;
•Congratulations to all FFA, Oral Interpretation, All State Chorus competitors and their advisors/coaches. Special congratulations to Dayton Easton, freshman, on her performance of the National Anthem during the AAA Football Championship game. Congratulations to the Blackhawks Football and Volleyball teams and their coaching staffs on their successful seasons;
•This is National Education Week – Thank you to the staff for organizing various themed days for everyone to enjoy;
•The auditors will be here, beginning November 26th, to conduct their annual reports;
•The Annual Superintendent Meeting in Chamberlain is scheduled for December 4-5th; and
•The Sanborn Central Board of Education would also like to thank the American Education Week members who provided treats for the board meeting.
Mrs. Vermeulen’s report included the following:
•The fifth/sixth grade Cancer Tournament was held in Woonsocket this past weekend. The SCW boys were crowned champions;
•There is no school November 21-23 for Thanksgiving;
•Grades fifth through seventh will participate in Declaim on November 19th, eighth grade has the opportunity to participate in high school competitions;
•Jill Reimer is still on sick leave. She hopes to return on November 19th. Her next step will be surgery, with no date set as of yet;
•Happy American Education Week;
•A new student has enrolled in the middle school; and
•Extra Help Day is December 7th.
Discussion Items:
•Repairs are needed for the boiler system as well as some discussion on potential updates to the system. More research and questioning will be done to determine which course of action is best and a decision will be made in December;
•There have been some issues with the plumbing in the school. The district will continue working with Ed Hoffman to determine the best course of action; and
•The board was presented with a quote for an audio system at the football field. This will be an issue to discuss at a later time.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the amended contracts of Kayla Vetter and Nikki Dawson, each received an increase of $1,000.00 to meet state mandated levels.
The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, December 10, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School conference room.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Clayton Dean
Board Chair