Youth groups from four area churches traveled together to Sioux Falls to serve an evening meal at The Banquet. They worked together with a number of adults who went with them along with the staff at The Banquet. The churches represented were St. Wilfrid Catholic Church, Spirit of Faith Lutheran-Methodist Church, Letcher Community Church and Storla-Trinity Lutheran Church.
Four Sanborn County church groups joined together to kick off the Advent season with a service event. Youth groups from Storla-Trinity Lutheran Church, Spirit of Faith Lutheran-Methodist Church, St. Wilfrid Catholic Church, and the Letcher UCC Church, along with many adult leaders and parent volunteers, traveled to Sioux Falls this past week to serve a warm meal at The Banquet in Sioux Falls. This incredible group of 43 kids with 21 adults served suppers to 393 people, 55 of them children. The meal included 21 gallons of milk. Those receiving the meal were very appreciative, and the groups were just as appreciative for the opportunity to serve.
…Read on in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!