On Friday, March 22, Brian Pauly, a biologist with the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department, visited the Woonsocket Elementary and went from classroom to classroom to talk about animals in the wild habitat of South Dakota. He brought with him pelts, horns and antlers of certain animals. He discussed each animal part he brought and the animal it belonged to. He explained the animals and the way they live in our state. Some of the animal pelts he brought were of a skunk, a raccoon, a badger and a fox, just to name a few. He also had deer antlers and antelope horns.
After the presentation, Mr. Pauly allowed the students to touch the animal pelts and horns so they could appreciate what each animal looks and feels like. He also allowed the students to ask questions as they came to them, all for a wonderful hands-on way of learning about the wild animals in our environment.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.