The Woonsocket United States History class was able to experience a look at the judicial system this week. In Mrs. Henriksen’s class, students were asked to prepare a mock trial, where they learned about the Sedition & Espionage Acts of 1917. Each student was eager to help in any way possible, even if that meant dressing the part.
The Woonsocket United States History class is currently learning about the first World War and the actions taken in them. The Sedition & Espionage Acts were put in place to help counter negative support for the war. It made speech that was critical towards the war, or the war efforts, illegal. During this mock trial, John Doe was charged with unlawful actions that went against the Sedition & Espionage Acts.
Prosecutors, Carter Linke, Megan Linke, and Taryn Ziebart, were asked to build a case to find the defendant, Malachi Bruce, guilty. Meanwhile the defense attorneys, Brooklyn Swenson, Cage Boschee, Mariah Jost, and Kaylee White, were asked to build a case to find the defendant innocent.
The class really did a great job and had fun doing it, too.
…See another picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.