Rosemarie Delvaux is retiring this year after many years of teaching sixth grade at Woonsocket Elementary. On Friday night, she was honored with gifts, flowers, balloons and a crown to wish her the best and thank her for all she has done for the school and the many students she has seen in her classroom over the years.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school year ended quite differently than it normally does. To try to ease into summer with a heart-warming transition, on Friday, May 15, the teachers from Woonsocket stood at the school and held signs to thank parents and say goodbye to their students, while families drove by to say goodbye and thank them for all the teachers did to help their students get through such a difficult time for the last quarter of the school year.
In addition, the members of the Woonsocket High School graduating senior class of 2020 decorated their vehicles and drove through a parade route to wave to many onlookers who came out to wish them all good luck and congratulations. The seniors were led by none other than members of the dependable Town and Country Fire District and the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Department.
The weather was beautiful on Friday night, which made for great conditions for everyone to be outside and practice social distancing, while enjoying an event that could quite possibly become a new tradition with the very positive response it received.
…See another photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!