Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, June 21, 2021, at 7:08 p.m. in the Sanborn Central middle school computer lab with the following present: Curtis Adams, Clayton Dean, Justin Enfield, and Gary Spelbring. Others present were Superintendent Justin Siemsen and Business Manager Gayle Bechen. Absent was Emma Klaas.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to Board Meeting: None.

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.     

Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting May 11, 2021, as printed. 

Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills.    

General Fund balance, May 1, 2021: $457,487.98. Receipts: taxes $513,704.89, penalties/interest $16.51, interest $59.68, other pupil $28.25, other $303.35, state fines $1,597.84, yearbook $1,070.55, medicaid administration $1,087.52. Expenditures: $170,174.66, manual journal entry $86.81.  Balance, May 31, 2021: $805,095.10. CorTrust Savings balance, May 1, 2021: $50,458.94. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, May 31, 2021: $50,458.94. 

Capital Outlay Fund balance, May 1, 2021: $729,363.46. Receipts: taxes $38,204.48, penalties/interest $0.64, interest $55.31.  Expenditures: $16,182.68. Balance, May 31, 2021: $751,441.21. CD $50,000.00.

Special Education Fund balance, May 1, 2021: $293,758.12. Receipts: taxes $114,796.59, penalties/interest $1.92, interest $27.65, medicaid administration $91.00. Expenditures: $30,847.49. Balance, May 31, 2021: $377,827.79. 

Food Service Fund balance, May 1, 2021: $17,821.92. Receipts: interest $1.46, adult meals $407.95, ala carte $2,112.70, certification $191.03, federal reimbursement $11,608.65, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program reimbursement $1,127.79. Expenditures: $14,495.11. Balance, May 31, 2021: $18,776.39.

Enterprise Fund balance, May 1, 2021: $16,475.66. Receipts: interest $1.45, preschool tuition $650.00. Expenditures: $4,149.55. Balance, May 31, 2021: $12,977.56.

Trust and Agency Funds balance, May 1, 2021: $72,199.16. Receipts: $4,595.17. Expenditures: $4,764.43. Balance, May 31, 2021: $72,029.90.

Scholarship Fund balance, May 1, 2021: $10,219.83. Receipts: interest $0.43. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, May 31, 2021: $10,220.26. Peters Scholarship balance: $9,720.26; Nelson Scholarship balance: $500.00.

Salaries and benefits for the month of June, 2021 were as follows:

General Fund: $148,234.91; 

Special Education: $19,276.44; 

Food Service: $7,372.06;

Enterprise Fund: $4,035.07.

Claims approved:

GENERAL FUND – A&B Business Solutions, copies $111.72; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $34.45; Brooks Oil Company, unleaded gas $2,041.20, diesel $2,138.40, LP $1,170.00; Burnison Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, repair heating unit $415.80; Carquest, bus supply $152.68; Central Electric, May electricity $1,997.63; Chesterman Co., pop $99.36; Cole Paper, janitor supply $965.65; Core Educational Co-op, class registration $150.00; CorTrust, air cards $120.03, track state gas $151.21, janitor vacuum $331.05; Country Suites, state track rooms $5,634.72; Dawson Construction, April-June garbage $1,014.63; Direct Digital Control, air filters $428.05, online support $110.00; Golden West Technologies, telephone repair $568.99; Harlow’s Bus Sales, bus supply $121.90; Hoffman Digging & Well Repair, pump septic $175.00; 

[IMPREST FUND: Chester Area School, Region 4B track loss $50.38; Freeman High School, high school track fee $130.00; Sanborn Central School, state track meal money $804.00; Walmart, preschool screening snacks $8.23; Wolsey-Wessington School, high school track fee $100.00];

Josten’s, high school diploma $26.58; chenille letters $812.70; K&D Busing, May shared bus service $1,421.24; KorManagement Services, professional service $304.32; Menards, football field supply $238.68, janitor supply $71.87; Mid-Dakota Technologies, May tech support $150.00; Nationwide, crime bond $108.00, public official bond $175.00; North Central Seed Company, football field fertilizer $150.74; Northwest Health & Safety, AED supply $335.00; Plank Road Publishing, Kindergarten through eighth grade vocal subscription $127.45; Premier Equipment, #15 bus repair $3,163.61; Public Health Laboratory, water test $15.00; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $119.55, library subscription renewal $43.67; Santel Communications, phone $237.61; South Dakota High School Activities Association, member dues $30.00, NF news/postage $131.00, STU press $25.00; South Dakota School Superintendents Association, superintendent conference registration $185.00; SMF, workman compensation $10,755.84; Sherwin Williams, paint $484.46; Sportboardz, update track records $20.00; Sun Gold Sports, middle school awards $172.00, high school awards $532.25, reading awards $30.50, teacher/friend awards $55.50; Mark VanOverschelde, postage March/April $53.10; Woonsocket School, shared coaching $24,126.40, shared teachers $91,188.02.  

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $932.03.

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – mileage $18.48; SFM, workman compensation $448.16. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Bimbo Bakeries, bread $66.24; CorTrust, trays $785.76; Darrington Water Conditioning, SS tank $24.00; East Side Jersey Dairy, milk $391.31;

[IMPREST FUND: Child/Adult Nutrition Services, commodities process fees $228.62]; 

Menards, supplies $8.98; Reinhart Foodservice, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program $1,098.28, COVID supply $50.44, food $932.91.

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve supplemental budget resolution #1 to 2020-2021 budget:

General Fund: janitor workman compensation $4,840.00, utilities $2,000.00, supplies $8,000.00, esser supplies $15,000.00; football uniforms $16,000.00; boys track travel $2,780.00; girls track travel $2,620.00; co-curricular salary $4,000.00, supply $400.00. Means of Finance General Fund surplus cash: $55,640.00. Capital Outlay Fund: high school electric equipment ESSER $8,500.00; boys basketball equipment $2,040.00; band/vocal equipment $2,510.00. Means of Finance Capital Outlay surplus cash: $13,050.00. 

Mr. Siemsen reported on the following: 

• Air conditioning in the gym was worked on as there was a leak found. It is operating as it should now; 

• The Board discussed the Joint School Board/Administration Convention scheduled for August 5-6. They will register for it; 

• Preliminary discussions were held regarding the 2021/2022 back to school plan that will need submission; 

• The Board went over the plan for lunch and recess times, including teacher and aide duties associated, that will be implemented in the upcoming school year; 

• As per the scheduled planning, the board heard proposals for updating flooring in the elementary bathrooms, preschool bathroom, counselor’s office, main office, and band room. As long as the work can be completed by August, the Board will move forward with this project this summer; and 

• Board members discussed updating chairs for use in the gym during concerts and other events.

Old Business: None. 

New Business: 

Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the removal of surplus items (chairs and office materials, old textbooks, other books, and outdated electronic devices).

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve transfer of funds from the General Fund to Enterprise Fund preschool in the amount of $1,065.00. Motion carried.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve transfer of funds from the General Fund to Food Service Fund in the amount of $16,000.00. Motion carried.

 Motion by Enfield to approve transfer of funds from the Capital Outlay Fund to the General Fund $44,166.68. The motion was not seconded; motion failed. 

The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, July 12, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sanborn Central School in the middle school computer lab.  

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, motion carried, to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

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