The Woonsocket fourth grade class took the time on Tuesday, Nov. 23, to “showcase” some of our hard work. We read various Cinderella stories for Reading in our classroom, and then took their story components/elements and compared/contrasted them to begin writing our own. For example, in Cinderella, the characters are Cinderella, evil stepmom, two stepsisters, a Fairy Godmother, a prince, and a messenger. We then compared these to Skeleton Cinderella, Cindy Ellen (a western take on Cinderella), and a Cinderella story I wrote. Then, the fourth graders started creating their own stories with various settings, missing items, contests, etc. For example, one student did a camping setting with a marshmallow contest. We had farm ones, Spongebob ones, racing ones, Harry Potter ones, and many more! They then used Tuesday as an opportunity to read them to their parents.
…Read on and see a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!