According to her mother, Bailey Feistner has been working toward a goal of becoming Teen Miss Rodeo South Dakota for quite a while. This past weekend, Feistner saw all her hard work and determination to meet that goal pay off as she was crowned the new Teen Miss Rodeo South Dakota 2023 at their annual pageant held in Brookings. The contest was held Nov. 3-5 in conjunction with the Brookings PRCA Rodeo produced by Sutton Rodeo, and the results were announced prior to the start of the Saturday night rodeo performance.
The contest consisted of open interviews, horsemanship, speech, personality, and appearance as well as personal and horsemanship interviews. When explaining the idea behind the title of Teen Miss Rodeo, Feistner stated, “The basic idea is they are looking for someone to represent rodeo across the state who understands rodeo and the many parts of it while still being kind and put together.”
…Read on in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!