October 2023

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held with the Sanborn County Planning & Zoning Board at 9:10 a.m. on Monday, November 6, 2023. The meeting will be held on the second floor of the Sanborn County Courthouse in the Commissioner Room in Woonsocket, S.D. In the event of inclement weather, the meeting will be held the following Monday, November 13, 2023.

Meeting is to discuss a Conditional Use Application for a Campground, Section 607 Conditional Use Allowance, located at NW/4SE/4 exc. W155’ of N200’ of S375’ & Exc. A part of Peer Tract 1, a subdivision of Lot 2  4-106-59, Diana Township, Sanborn County, S.D. /4  4-106-5 

Meeting is to discuss a Conditional Use Application for a Bed and Breakfast (AirBnB), Section 607 Conditional Use Allowance, located at NW/4SE/4 exc. W155’ of N200’ of S375’ & Exc. A part of Peer Tract 1, a subdivision of Lot 2  4-106-59, Diana Township, Sanborn County, S.D. 

Meeting is to discuss a Conditional Use Application for a Riding/Boarding Stable, Section 607 Conditional Use Allowance, located at NW/4SE/4 exc. W155’ of N200’ of S375’ & Exc. A part of Peer Tract 1, a subdivision of Lot 2  4-106-59, Diana Township, Sanborn County, S.D. 

All interested parties are encouraged to attend this hearing.

Should you have any questions, please call the Director of Equalization office at 605-796-4514.

Penny Farris

Zoning Administrator,

Sanborn County

Published once on October 26, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $19.50 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to approve the minutes from the October 3, 2023, meeting, as presented. Motion carried. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. 


No public was in attendance. 


Nancy Fradet was present to give the new Health Insurance rates for health insurance for 2024 coverage. The board agreed to stay with the same plan for 2024 as offered in 2023. 


Bids were opened for Lots 9-12 Inc Blk2 Crennan’s and Shannon’s Addition of Letcher Town. Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to award the bid to Dane and Sarah Blindauer for $150. Blindauer abstained; motion carried. 

Dane and Sarah Blindauer – $150


Stacy Mendenhall, Highway Superintendent, and Sheri Kogel, Highway Administrative Assistant, met with the board. Kogel informed the board that the five-year plan was approved by the state. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to declare bridge #56-013-030 in Warren Township, between sections 17 and 20 on 223rd Street, as surplus. Motion carried. 


Wendy Peer and Lori Funk provided a projected uses statement for their plans for the Conditional Use permit that was requested for Arena Events. Legal description is: NW/4SE/4 Exc. W155’ of N200’ of S375’ & Exc. 1.31 Acres a part of Peer Tract 1, Subdivision of Lot 2  4-106-59 and W155’ of N200’ of S375’ of 4-106-59, Diana Township, Sanborn County, S.D. Approved Uses are: Barrels/Poles events (Series June-July-August), Ranch Rodeo, Kids play days, Benefit events, Bull riding, practice arena for individuals, kids riding lessons, trailer hook-ups available, horse boarding, horse training, ranch based vendors and sponsor booths. Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the Conditional Use Permit with the following conditions: Parking: Safe and adequate ingress and egress to the property and must provide adequate parking including off right of way parking and loading areas; Bathroom facilities: Adequate facilities will be provided during all events; Garbage and animal waste will be adequately addressed and disposed of. Motion carried. 


Audra Scheel was present to give her yearly report to the board of commissioners. Scheel presented numbers for Sanborn County 4-H, which showed growth in the 4-H program. 


Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve Resolution 2023-14 for Operation Green Light for Veterans. Motion carried.

WHEREAS, the residents of Sanborn County have great respect, admiration, and the utmost gratitude for all the men and women who have selflessly served our country and this community in the Armed Forces; and 

WHEREAS, the contributions and sacrifices of those who served in the Armed Forces have been vital in maintaining the freedoms and way of life enjoyed by our citizens; and 

WHEREAS, Sanborn County seeks to honor individuals who have made countless sacrifices for freedom by placing themselves in harm’s way for the good of all; and

WHEREAS, the National Association of Counties encourages all counties, parishes and boroughs to recognize Operation Green Light for Veterans; and

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Commissioners appreciate the sacrifices of our United States military personnel and believes specific recognition should be granted; therefore be it

RESOLVED, with designation as a Green Light for Veterans County, Sanborn County hereby declares from November 6th through Veterans Day, November 11th, 2023, a time to salute and honor the service and sacrifices of our men and women in uniform transitioning from active service; therefore, be it further

RESOLVED, that in observance of Operation Green Light, Sanborn County encourages its citizens in patriotic tradition to recognize the importance of honoring all those who made immeasurable sacrifices to preserve freedom by displaying green lights in a window of their place of business or residence from November 6th through the 12th, 2023.

Passed on this 17th day of October, 2023.

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer, 

Commissioner Chairman


/s/ Kami Moody, 



Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to not sign the WIC contract with the State of South Dakota for an effective date of June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024. With the termination of the WIC contract with the State of South Dakota, the County Health Nurse Clerical Position will also be terminated as of December 31, 2023. Motion carried. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to sign the County Health Nurse Contract with the State of South Dakota for an effective date of January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. Motion carried. 


Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to declare the 2017 Ford Explorer as surplus. Motion carried. The Explorer is still equipped with center equipment console, lightbar with controller, and a prisoner partition. The Explorer will be offered via sealed bids to other agencies. Bids will be opened at the regular meeting on December 12th. Commissioner Ebersdorfer appraised the Explorer at $17,500; P. Larson appraised $17,000; Blindauer appraised $16,500. 

Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to declare the following items as surplus, to be sold on the online auction with Dean/Edwards & Associates sale starting on December 1st: Diesel-powered portable 50KW Generator, HP Office Jet Pro Office Printer, and Top Cat Gasboy fuel tracking system and fobs. S. Larson abstained; Motion carried.

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the updated Ambulance roster that is located in the Auditor’s office. Motion carried. 

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve November 24th and December 26th as holidays, declared by Governor Kristi Noem. Motion carried. The Sanborn County courthouse will be closed November 23rd and 24th to observe Thanksgiving and December 25th and 26th to observe Christmas. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to pay the SDACC for the National Center for Public Lands Counties (The Center). Motion carried. 

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to increase the prices for the 4-H Building upon completion of the addition. Motion carried. Rental prices will be as follows:

Whole Building – $300;

Original Side with Kitchen – $150.


Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to pay the following bills; motion carried:

Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $43.50

First National Bank South Dakota, Tax Liability $2,734.08

South Dakota Association of County Officials, Monthly Remittance $78.00

State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $66,200.41

Towns – Townships – Schools – Cities, Monthly Remittance $92,789.96

A-OX Welding, Supplies $618.00

Aileen Brewer, Translating Services $80.00

Amazon Business Capital Service, Supplies $47.75

Applied Concepts Inc., Tahoe Parts $284.00

Arrowwood Resort and Conference, Conference Stay $119.72

AT&T Mobility, Utilities $59.50

Brule County Sheriff Office, Jail Fees – J. Knox $1,798.00

Central Electric, Utilities $220.41

Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Court Appointed Fees – D. Trujillo $327.50

Brian Cruz, Carpet Installation $968.04

Dakota Counseling/Stepping Stones, Quarterly Support $625.00

State of South Dakota, Blood Draw $40.00

Duane’s Carpet Outlet Inc., Carpet $4,567.50

Farmers Elevator Co., Fuel $439.20

Fresh Start K & N Company, Supplies $275.00

Hollaway Construction, Bridge Repairs $44,523.00

Jerauld County Auditor, Scheel – Camper Rental State Fair $615.97

KO’S Pro Service, Repairs $98.30

Mack Metal Sales Inc., Supplies $400.25

Menards, Supplies $180.17

Midwest Concrete & Excavating, Repairs and Maintenance $216.75

National Association of State Surplus, Dues $39.00

NorthWestern Energy, Utilities $1,106.02

Office Peeps, Supplies $377.75

Ramkota Hotel, Sheriff Conference $231.00

South Dakota Department of Transportation, Services $1,747.07

South Dakota Association of County Commissioners, CLERP Third and Fourth Quarter $612.00

Summit Contracting, 4-H Building Addition $55,812.93

Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $648.71

Travis Coulthard, Installed LED Lights $483.31

Tobin’s Transfer, Movers $1,255.25

Bryan Vennard, Carpet Installation $1,052.04

Waste Management, Utilities $236.82

Woony Foods, Supplies $6.79

Xcel Energy, Utilities $11.15

There being no further business before the board, motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 p.m. Motion carried. 

The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County                                                                                                                         

Published once on October 26, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $104.00 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, October 9, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Clayton Dean, Mark Goral, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present were Superintendent/High School Principal Corey Flatten, Elementary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen and Business Manager Gayle Bechen. Curtis Adams arrived at 7:05 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to Board Meeting: Tim McCain, Rod Weber, and Rebecca Grassel.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the agenda as amended. After Approval of Agenda Add: Executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) to discuss personnel; New Business Add: Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Food Service and Enterprise Fund.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to go into Executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) to discuss personnel with possible motions to follow, in at 7:04 p.m. Regular session resumed at 7:24 p.m.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting September 11, 2023, as printed.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the Financial reports and bills.

General Fund balance, September 1, 2023: $990,714.08. Receipts: taxes $6,876.23, penalties/interest $125.73, interest $901.76, admission $1,443.00, other pupil $7.46, other $4,301.16, state fines $1,481.57, state aid September $86,278.00, ESSER III $12,336.00. Expenditures: $203,075.65, manual journal entry $2,162.30. Balance, September 30, 2023: $899,227.04. CorTrust Savings balance, September 1, 2023: $50,718.21. Receipts: other $0.00, interest $85.11. Expenditures: $0.00.  Balance, September 30, 2023: $50,803.32. CDs $300,000.00

Capital Outlay Fund balance, September 1, 2023: $394,989.18. Receipts: taxes $882.64, penalties/interest $4.99, interest $396.77.  Expenditures: $10,640.98. Balance, September 30, 2023: $385,632.60. CDs $200,000.00.

Special Education Fund balance, September 1, 2023: $495,947.72. Receipts: taxes $905.69, penalties/interest $7.99, interest $504.99. Expenditures: $20,834.24, manual journal entry $226.10. Balance, September 30, 2023: $476,306.05. CDs $50,000.00.

Food Service Fund balance, September 1, 2023: $(24,391.74). Receipts: student meals $4,334.70, adult meals $593.40, ala carte $1,993.65, federal reimbursement $2,679.74, miscellaneous revenue $431.34. Expenditures: $22,711.94. Balance, September 30, 2023: $(37,070.85).

Enterprise Fund balance, September 1, 2023: $(8,058.39). Receipts: preschool tuition $2,855.50. Expenditures: $5,991.90. Balance, September 30, 2023: $(11,194.79).

Custodial Funds balance, September 1, 2023: $64,422.96. Receipts: $773.86. Expenditures: $2,207.25. Balance, September 30, 2023: $62,989.57.

Scholarship Fund balance, September 1, 2023: $7,494.71. Receipts: interest $1.47. Expenditure: $0.00. Balance, September 30, 2023: $7,496.18. Peters Scholarship balance: $6,746.18; Nelson Scholarship balance: $750.00.

Salaries and benefits for the month of October 2023 were as follows: 

General Fund: $164,591.70; 

Special Education: $19,488.47; 

Food Service: $10,913.58; 

Enterprise Fund: $4,548.59.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $37.26; Arctic Refrigeration, prof service $128.95; Arrowwood Resort, fall conference room Bechen $222.40; Brooks Oil Co., diesel $3,891.46, unleaded $3,303.20; Capital One, homecoming supply $7.88; CarQuest, bus supply $402.67; Central Electric, September main building electric $2,244.58, September bus barn electric $101.45; Chesterman Co., pop $56.27; Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns LLC, national conference $160.00; Cole Paper Inc., janitor supply $1,934.61; Conrad Repair, sink repair $737.32; CorTrust, air cards $55.00, hotspot $35.00, business office supply $23.67, co-curricular supply $146.47, elementary/middle school principal supply $21.60, superintendent supply $88.37; Dalsin Inc., sealed roofline $5,794.62; Dial Corporation, 2023-24 membership $100.00; Direct Digital Control, prof service $372.50; Brooke Easton, reimburse exam $85.00; Eternal Security Products, repair security camera $244.52; Foreman Sales and Service, bus exhaust and two bus inspections $1,290.56;

[IMPREST: Black Hills Playhouse, deposit elementary/middle school play $500.00; Capital One, elementary supply $98.82, middle school supply $23.22, high school supply $23.21, colony supply $4.41, business office supply $10.84, superintendent supply $32.16, janitor supply $45.96; Craig Fonder, junior varsity/varsity volleyball referee $100.00; Carrie Howard, two junior varsity/varsity volleyball clock $110.00; Sarah Jensen, two volleyball bookkeeper $70.00; Jacob Schmit, junior varsity/varsity volleyball referee/mileage $181.60; South Dakota Association of School Business Officials, fall conference registration Bechen $110.00; Marcy Van Zee, junior varsity/varsity volleyball referee/mileage $125.50; Gloria Vavra, junior varsity/varsity volleyball referee/mileage $125.50; Wolsey-Wessington High School, volleyball tourney fee $75.00]; 

K&D Busing, half of volleyball busing $182.75, 100 percent football charter $1,964.00; Liminex, Inc., software license $1,869.60; Menards, janitor supply $22.33; Mid-Dakota Technologies, September tech support $175.00; Mitchell Area Superintendent Group, 2023-24 dues $100.00; National Council of Teachers of English, conference registration Farrell-Poncelet $325.00; Pomp’s Tire Service, bus tires $767.32; Public Health Laboratory, water tests $15.00; Rubber Band Arrangements, band practice books $286.00; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $115.66, volleyball programs $40.00; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $229.01; School Specialty, colony supply $131.10, high school supply $44.74; South Dakota Department of Education, reimburse over payment Title I $1,507.00; South Dakota Association of Elementary Principals Area 4, 2023-24 dues Vermeulen $75.00; SFM, additional workcomp $2,330.00.

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $1,011.83; Graphic Edge, The, score table/pads $6,216.00; K-Log, elementary desks/chairs $6,531.79; Mackin Educational Resources, library books $687.29; Starfall, membership 2023-24 $355.00.

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Children’s Home Society, August tuition $2,435.94. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Bimbo Bakeries, bread $106.95; Capital One, food $16.82; Child/Adult Nutrition, processed commodity $423.66; Cole Paper, supply $505.55; CorTrust, merchandise refrigerator $1,054.00; Darrington Water Conditioning, September SS tank $28.00; East Side Jersey Dairy, milk $593.77;

[IMPREST: CorTrust, freezer handle $33.10];

Jones Supply, supply $56.36; Performance Foodservice, food $7,083.17, ala carte $720.41, supply $369.10.


Mr. Flatten reported on the following: 

• Homecoming week went very well, and great support was seen from students and staff. 

• All-State Choir has been selected and went to Aberdeen for preparation for their concert. 

• Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors have been prepping for the ACT with Ms. Amundson. There is testing at Sanborn Central this year, which should boost participants. 

• Freshmen attended Freshmen Impact in Alexandria this month. Topics included safe social media usage, healthy relationships, addiction, mental health, seatbelt safety, boat safety, and really emphasized the importance of finding a safe ride home. 

• All staff attended a Professional Development in Mitchell that centered on the Science of Happiness. 

• Staff is working on some incentives into the staff wellness policy to encourage a healthy lifestyle. 

• Some improvements were made to the Livestream for games and events. 

• The boiler passed inspection and will have a new gasket/sealant replaced by week’s end. 

• Lance Conrad fixed the hand washing station so all three motion-activated faucets are working. 

• Direct Digital Control came out at the Board’s request to give training on how to run the updated software to make temperatures more consistent at the school. 

• The football field will need to have the sprinkler system blown out along with the concession stand. Mebius Nursery will need to come to the football field and decide what improvements are needed before the first snowfall.

Mrs. Vermeulen spoke on 

• The end of the first quarter is October 13. Report cards will be sent home on October 20. 

• Fifth/sixth grade basketball practice has started. A total of 32 boys and 18 girls from Sanborn Central and Woonsocket are practicing. 

• The first PBIS party for all students will be held October 19. The elementary will celebrate with fall activities. The high school and middle school will rotate between frisbee golf and bean bags. 

• Teachers in grades three through eight and 11 are starting to administer Interim tests to gain knowledge of students’ abilities in the areas of math and language. These tests will assist the teachers in preparation for the standardized test in the spring. 

• There will be no school on October 23. 

• Horizon provided flu vaccines to any student or staff member who requested one on October 4. 

• Three staff members including Mr. Flatten attended a conference on Artificial Intelligence sponsored by the Department of Education. 

• Three staff members, including Mrs. Vermeulen, attended a conference on interim testing and collecting data.

Discussion Items: 

• A new paraprofessional job opening was recommended. The board told administrators to proceed with the search immediately.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Food Service in accordance with SDCL 13-16-26 in the amount of $30,000.00 and Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Enterprise Fund in accordance with SDCL 13-16-26 in the amount of $34,350.00. Discussion was held.

The second Executive Session was deemed unnecessary.

The next regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School.  

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

Published once on October 19, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $111.00 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.


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