Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, December 11, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Curtis Adams, Clayton Dean, Mark Goral, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present were Superintendent/High School Principal Corey Flatten, Elementary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen and Business Manager Gayle Bechen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to Board Meeting included Steve Larson and SCEA members Robin Moody and Krista Moore.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on November 13, 2023, as printed.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the Financial reports and bills.    

General Fund balance, November 1, 2023: $748,239.61. Receipts: taxes $440,614.03, penalties/interest $612.83, interest $946.70, admission $20.23, other pupil $9.74, other $309.08, state fines $1,378.03, state aid November $72,167.00, ESSER II $3,698.00. Expenditures: $206,005.02, manual journal entry $1,102.55. Balance, November 30, 2023: $1,060,887.68. CorTrust Savings balance, November 1, 2023: $50,803.32. Receipts: other $0.00, interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00.  Balance, November 30, 2023: $50,803.32. CDs $300,000.00.

Capital Outlay Fund balance, November 1, 2023: $384,074.25. Receipts: taxes $64,257.33, penalties/interest $85.62, interest $445.51, ESSER II $42,543.00. Expenditures: $1,011.83. Balance, November 30, 2023: $490,393.88. CDs $200,000.00.

Special Education Fund balance, November 1, 2023: $457,908.27. Receipts: taxes $64,410.04, penalties/interest $85.83, interest $445.51. Expenditures: $22,464.74, manual journal entry $226.10. Balance, November 30, 2023: $500,158.81. CDs $50,000.00.

Food Service Fund balance, November 1, 2023: $14,885.31. Receipts: student meals $6,656.25, adult meals $1,141.85, ala carte $3,680.21, federal reimbursement $4,690.17, miscellaneous revenue $498.77. Expenditures: $22,714.68, manual journal entry $61.11. Balance, November 30, 2023: $8,776.77.

Enterprise Fund balance, November 1, 2023: $21,798.85. Receipts: interest $18.56, preschool tuition $1,883.25, manual journal entry $33.16. Expenditures: $4,677.77. Balance, November 30, 2023: $19,056.05.

Custodial Funds balance, November, 1, 2023: $64,687.55. Receipts: $20,007.98. Expenditures: $4,739.34, manual journal entry $509.00. Balance, November 30, 2023: $79,447.19.

Scholarship Fund balance, November 1, 2023: $8,497.90. Receipts: interest $1.48. Expenditure: 0.00. Balance, November 30, 2023: $8,499.38. Peters Scholarship balance: $7,749.38; Nelson Scholarship balance: $750.00.

Salaries and benefits for the month of December 2023 were as follows: 

General Fund: $197,063.75; 

Special Education: $19,621.41; 

Food Service: $11,003.26; 

Enterprise Fund: $4,419.41.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $37.26, two cylinder five year leases $526.95; Agednet, 12 month subscription $465.00; Automatic Building Controls, batteries $260.00, annual check fire alarm system $511.00; Jolyn Baysinger, reimburse fingerprints $43.25; Brooks Oil Co., 50/50 diesel $2,318.40, unleaded $2,636.00, LP $1,450.00, prof service $480.00; Central Electric, November main building electric $1,145.34, November bus barn electric $380.97; Chesterman Co., pop $93.78; Clayton’s Repair, bus service $256.20; Cole Paper Inc., janitor supply $867.77; Continental Press, EL team toolkit $599.76; CorTrust, air cards $55.00, hotspot $35.00, janitor supply $6.48, elementary supply $240.56, high school supply $39.99, stamps $109.98; Dawson Construction, garbage service three month $1,014.63; Direct Digital Control, HVAC service $675.00; Cooper Goldammer, wrestling mileage $113.22; Goodwill of the Great Plains, shred service $35.82; Harlow’s Bus Sales, bus supply $467.83; [IMPREST: Aberdeen Central Debate, Oral Interp fee $170.00; CorTrust, all state chorus rooms $1,319.91, superintendent supply $52.96, business office supply $12.22, band supply $26.99, elementary supply $8.99, middle school supply $9.00, high school supply $9.00; Freeman Academy, Oral Interp regions $95.52; Mount Vernon School, district Oral Interp $396.46, volleyball regions half of loss $109.00; Region V, high school music festival $25.00; Payton Uecker, fifth/sixth grade girls basketball/boys basketball referee vs Ethan three games $105.00]; 

K&D Busing, half of busing two music festivals $942.65; Caleb Kneen, wrestling mileage $91.80; Krohmer Plumbing, fix LP leak $1,362.39; James McWhorter, reimburse fingerprints $43.25; Menards, janitor supply $149.42, shop supply $524.56; Mid-Dakota Technologies, November tech support $175.00; Robin Moody, reimburse wellness supply $11.32; Performance Foodservice, janitor supply $631.49; Petty Cash, elementary postage $9.65; Public Health Laboratory, water tests $150.00; Sanborn Central Food Service, November lunch supervisor food $233.45; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $232.65; Sportboardz, volleyball updates $5.41, football updates $61.34; Sun Gold Sports, co-curricular engraved plates $12.00.

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $1,011.83; Mackin Educational Resources, library books $159.06.

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Children’s Home Society, October tuition $2,571.27; Goodwill of the Great Plains, shred service $11.93. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Arctic Refrigeration, outside freezer gasket $549.22; Bimbo Bakeries, bread $54.87; Capital One, food $25.21, supply $22.17; Child/Adult Nutrition, processed commodities $540.98; Cole Paper, kitchen supply $244.35; Darrington Water Conditioning, November SS tank $28.00; East Side Jersey Dairy, milk $613.68; Performance Foodservice, food $2,888.93, ala carte $505.02, supply $565.35, COVID F&V $539.92; Staples, supply $565.52; Woony Foods, food $78.13.


Mr. Flatten reported on the following: 

• Congrats to Mrs. Kayla Olson-Van Winkle’s Environmental Science class for qualifying as State Finalists for Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow Contest! They were tasked with creating a sustainable solution to a problem in their community, and together they decided to use photoelectric sensors to aid in early detection of combine/harvest equipment fires. As State Finalists, they have won $2,500 in Samsung technology for the school and will continue to develop their plan for a chance to become State Winners and win $12,000 in Samsung technology for the school! 

• Mrs. Easton and Mrs. Karlen put on a wonderful Christmas Concert on December 7th. 

• Varsity basketball teams began their seasons at SBA on Saturday, December 9th. Sanborn Central wrestling is up and going as well. 

• Semester Tests for high school students are December 18th and 19th. 

• Isabella Bitterman represented the Sanborn Central Oral Interp team at State. She received an “excellent” score. 

• SCW FFA member Bryce Larson went to state LDEs for Prepared Public Speaking in Rapid City.

Mrs. Vermeulen spoke on: 

• High School Student Council sponsored a Toilet-Tree collecting paper products, grooming materials, soaps, etc., to be donated to the Sanborn County Food Pantry. 

• Mrs. Bechen will be taking the Middle School Student Council to the nursing home in Woonsocket on Friday, December 15. They will be assisting the Activity Coordinator in facilitating some fun activities for the residents. They will also deliver Christmas cards the middle school students created. 

• The second quarter school-wide PBIS party will be held on Wednesday, December 13. The students can wear pajamas, eat popcorn, and watch a Christmas movie in the gym. 

• School break will begin on December 20th at 11:00 a.m.

Discussion Items: 

• Steve Larson brought discussions about the football co-op to the board. 

• Closing out past class accounts was discussed, but it will be put off until a cost of completing graduation composites have been figured.

• Board member, Curtis Adams, updated the board on the football field with the current spreading of black dirt on the playing surface. Springtime seeding was also discussed.

Old Business: 

Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve reimbursement for Sanborn Central wrestlers, Cooper Goldammer and Caleb Kneen, at $0.51 per mile to the co-op pickup point.

New Business:

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the hiring of Logan Hetland as a paraprofessional at the rate of $17.00 an hour starting January 3, 2024.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the December purchase of CDs from CorTrust Bank $100,000 out of Special Education fund and $50,000 out of Capital Outlay fund with 5.05 percent APY. Discussion was held.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Adams, all aye, to go into executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) to discuss personnel with possible motions to follow at 7:50 p.m. Regular session resumed at 8:30 p.m.

The next regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, January 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sanborn Central School.  

Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

Published once on December 29, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $101.25 and may be viewed free of charge at

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