Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

DECEMBER 12, 2023

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., with Vice Chairman Steve Larson presiding. Present were Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Absent was Jeff Ebersdorfer. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the minutes from the November 21 meeting, with the amendment of the bid opening for the maintainer to take place today, December 12, not December 29th as stated in the minutes. Proper publishing had the correct date listed. Motion carried.  Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. 


Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to enter executive session at 9:02 a.m. Vice-Chairman S. Larson declared end of executive session at 9:06 a.m. 


Zach Scott was present to discuss the property that he owns near Twin Lakes. Recommendations by the board were that the Scotts apply for both a variance and conditional use permit to follow proper zoning regulations. 

Don Klinkner and Margaret Spelbring, both board members of Benedict Township, were present to discuss bridge applications that Benedict Township applied for using Rural Access Infrastructure Grant funds that were awarded to the County from state monies. After lengthy discussion, the board decided to hold a public meeting on December 29th at 11 a.m., at the Courthouse to discuss the future of the bridges. 


Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $3,510,081.29

Register of Deeds $4,551.50

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to pay the following bills; motion carried:

  Payroll before Deductions:

Commissioners $6,185.00

Auditor $9,297.84

Treasurer $10,627.47

States Attorney $8,751.34

Courthouse $4,594.68

Assessor $15,935.26

Register of Deeds $10,920.82

Sheriff $20,787.62

Public Welfare $1,825.41

Nurse $4,454.98

Ambulance $1,828.87

WIC $0.00

Extension Office $3,436.83

Weed $3,807.46

Drainage $0.00

Planning and Zoning $193.77

Road and Bridge $44,626.95

E-911 $203.27

Emergency Management $748.13

Sobriety Testing $203.30

Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Insurance $26,899.15

AFLAC, Insurance $1,525.35

South Dakota Retirement System, Retirement $10,860.14

Delta Dental, Insurance $1,163.10

Small Business, Insurance $51.00

Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $2,634.14

BEAM, Insurance $300.37

Cincinnati Insurance Co., Insurance $512.81

EMC National Life Company, Insurance $470.40

Colonial Life, Insurance $126.30

First National Bank, Tax Liability $24,432.73

First National Bank of Omaha, Direct Deposit Fee $27.56

Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $837.00

AT&T Mobility, Utilities $446.41

911iNet, Yearly Service $990.00

A-OX Welding, Supplies $43.52

Amazon Business Capital Service, Supplies $1,357.42

ARAMARK, Supplies $31.73

Beadle County Sheriff, Jail Fees – E. Winter – J. Schulte – J. Knox – D. Gee $4,665.00

Best Western Hotel, Conference Travel $101.00

Brooks Oil Company, Supplies $6,700.66

Brosz Engineering Inc., Services and Fees $10,575.00

Butler Machinery Company, Maintainer Payoff $60,526.41

Butler Equipment Company, Supplies $2,965.61

Central Electric Co-op, Utilities $249.12

City of Woonsocket, Utilities $111.36

Emergency Safety ED, EMT Courses – December $150.00 

Express 2, Fuel $240.68 

First National Bank of Omaha, Supplies $470.00

Hillyard – Sioux Falls, Supplies $247.87

Hollaway Construction, Repairs $101,462.63

Innovative Office Solutions, Toner $250.54

James Valley Drug Task Force, Dues for 2024 $6,250.00

Jerauld County Auditor, Shipping $76.00

Khu Kle Shee, Blood Draw – D. Anderson $80.00

Kibble Equipment, Rentals $2,940.00

KO’S Pro Service, Tires 2004 Chevy $1,047.68

Lewis Family Drug LLC, Medical – J. Knox $83.27

Lifequest, Quarterly Support $2,000.00

Mac’s Hardware Store, Supplies $76.33

Menards – Mitchell, Supplies $30.64

MetroCount Traffic Data Specials, Supplies $68.00

Midwest Pump and Tank, Equipment $27,030.51

Mobile Binders, Supplies $1,460.56

NAPA Central, Supplies $512.21

North Central – Huron Truck, Repairs $359.78

Northern Truck Equipment, Supplies $114.82

Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc., Culverts $29,565.60

Office Peeps Inc., Supplies $862.83

Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee – October $530.64

Postmaster, Box Rent $718.00

Runnings, Supplies $402.11

Sanborn County Ambulance, Meals $32.36

Santel Communications, Utilities $1,168.82

South Dakota Department of Transportation, Services and Fees $1,564.39

South Dakota Sheriff’s Association, Annual Dues $569.90

South Dakota Association of County Commissioners, National Association of Counties Membership Dues 2024 $1,300.00

South Dakota Association of County Officials, Monthly Remittance $72.00

South Dakota Emergency Medical Services Association State Treasurer, Additional Fees $160.00

State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $58,905.96

Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $273.80

TC Enterprises, Supplies $4,320.35

Tech Solutions, Tech Support $3,395.98

The Radar Shop Inc., Supplies $564.00

TranSource Truck & Equipment, Supplies $247.91

Tyler Technologies Inc., Programming $4,707.35

Verizon, Utilities $80.02

Ron Volesky, Court Appointed Attorney Fees – C. Alvarez $313.50

Waste Management, Utilities $236.82

Wheelco, Supplies $1,313.63

Xcel Energy, Utilities $99.70


A representative from Brosz Engineering was present to review the County Bridge Inspection report. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to accept the change order from Hollaway Construction for bridge 056-091-010, on 221st Street. Change order decreases the repair amount by $12,533. Motion carried. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to make the final payment, of $101,462.63, to Hollaway Construction for bridge 056-091-010 on 221st Street. Motion carried. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to sign the certificate of completion for bridge 056-091-010 on 221st Street. Motion carried.


TJ Thomas and Tim Storly were both present to give the board the yearly numbers for services provided to Sanborn County. As of current, a representative will be in Sanborn County on the third Wednesday of each month but willing to be here more often if necessary. 


Stacy Mendenhall, Highway Superintendent and Sheri Kogel, Highway Administrative Assistant, met with the board. 

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to submit the three following applications for consideration of award(s) for the Bridge Improvement Grant Program. Motion carried. 

Whereas, Sanborn County wishes to submit an application(s) for consideration of award for the Bridge Improvement Grant Program:

Structure Number and Location:

56-220-169, 1.5 E & 3.9 S of Artesian on 416th Ave over an unnamed creek

And Whereas, Sanborn County certifies that the project(s) are listed in the county’s Five-Year County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan;

And Whereas, Sanborn County agrees to pay the 20 percent match on the Bridge Improvement Grant funds;

And Whereas, Sanborn County hereby authorizes the Bridge Improvement Grant application(s) and any required funding commitments.


That the South Dakota Department of Transportation be and hereby is requested to accept the attached Bridge Improvement Grant application(s).

Vote of Commissioners: Yes 4, No 0

Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 12th day of December, 2023.

/s/ Steve Larson, 



/s/ Kami Moody,

County Auditor

Whereas, Sanborn County wishes to submit an application(s) for consideration of award for the Bridge Improvement Grant Program:

Structure Number and Location:

56-209-000, 0.4 E & 13 N of Artesian on 220th Street over an unnamed creek

And Whereas, Sanborn County certifies that the project(s) are listed in the county’s Five-Year County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan;

And Whereas, Sanborn County agrees to pay the 20 percent match on the Bridge Improvement Grant funds;

And Whereas, Sanborn County hereby authorizes the Bridge Improvement Grant application(s) and any required funding commitments.


That the South Dakota Department of Transportation be and hereby is requested to accept the attached Bridge Improvement Grant application(s).

Vote of Commissioners: Yes 4, No 0

Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 12th day of December, 2023.

/s/ Steve Larson,



/s/ Kami Moody, 

County Auditor

Whereas, Sanborn County wishes to submit an application(s) for consideration of award for the Bridge Improvement Grant Program:

Structure Number and Location:

56-030-025, 7.5 N of Woonsocket on 397th Ave over Sand Creek

And Whereas, Sanborn County certifies that the project(s) are listed in the county’s Five-Year County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan;

And Whereas, Sanborn County agrees to pay the 20 percent match on the Bridge Improvement Grant funds;

And Whereas, Sanborn County hereby authorizes the Bridge Improvement Grant application(s) and any required funding commitments.


That the South Dakota Department of Transportation be and hereby is requested to accept the attached Bridge Improvement Grant application(s).

Vote of Commissioners: Yes 4, No 0

Dated at Woonsocket, S.D, this 12th day of December, 2023.

/s/ Steve Larson,



/s/ Kami Moody, 

County Auditor


No bids were received for the 2016 Cat Maintainer. The board will advertise again, with bid opening on January 16th.


Hearing no objections, motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to supplement the Road and Bridge debt service budget for $60,256.41 to pay the balance due on the loader.  Because of good weather conditions last year, the highway did not need to crush the gravel for which this money was budgeted.  The cash was allocated, so the board decided to pay the balance due on the motor grader to avoid paying additional interest. Motion carried.


Kevin Devoy was asked to come to the meeting to talk with the board regarding ambulances; also present were Rick George and Aaron Fink. Devoy talked with the board about the different types of ambulances and the different layouts of the rigs. The county’s current rig is a 2001 and the board of commissioners, along with the Ambulance board, are exploring options for a new purchase. 


No bids were received for the 2017 Ford Explorer, that is still fully equipped with center equipment console, lightbar, and prisoner partition. The board will advertise again, with bid opening on January 16th.


Auditor Moody presented two agreements to the board while Rick George and Aaron Fink were present. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson to approve the IamResponding app for five years. IamResponding is an app that first responders use to report to calls. Motion carried. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson to approve the City of Mitchell Intercept Ambulance Agreement. The agreement allows for the City of Mitchell ambulance to cover Sanborn County for emergency purposes and assist with Advanced Life Support (ALS) when needed. Motion carried. 


By recommendation from the Planning and Zoning board, a motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson to approve the following plat of ZOSS TRACT 1 AND ZOSS TRACT 2 IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 106 NORTH, RANGE 61 WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., SANBORN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA. Motion carried.

I, the undersigned, acting as the County Auditor of Sanborn County, South Dakota, hereby certify that the above zoning administrator’s certificate of approval is true and correct, and that the Board of Commissioners have approved the said plat and including the signature thereon.

Dated this 12th day of December, 2023.

/s/ Kami Moody


Sanborn County


Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer to enter into agreement with the SDSU Extension, for the fiscal year of 2024, for the state Extension Office position for a county share cost of $19,740.00. Motion carried. 


Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to surplus the Brother HL3170 Laser printer to be disposed of. Motion carried.

Minutes from the December 4th Planning and Zoning meeting were reviewed, discussed, and approved.

There being no further business before the board, motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 12:28 p.m. Motion carried. 

The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Friday, December 29, 2023.

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor

Steve Larson


of the Board,

Sanborn County                        

Published once on December 21, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $161.50 and may be viewed free of charge at


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