May 2024

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, May 21, at 8:56 a.m. with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, and Gary Blindauer. Duane Peterson was absent. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the minutes from the May 7 meeting, as presented. Motion carried. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.


No public was in attendance for input.


Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills; motion carried:

Town, Townships and Schools, Monthly Remittance $1,551,010.33

First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,667.85

Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $418.50

First National Bank of Omaha, Direct Deposit $27.56

Aileen Brewer, Translating Services $40.00

Applied Concepts, Inc., Sheriff Repairs $3,350.00

Rita Baszler, Blood Draw – A. Olson $80.00

Brooks Oil Company, Supplies $4,435.40

C&R Supply Inc., Supplies $25,638.63

CapFirst Equipment Finance, Supplies $56,130.10

Civil Air Patrol Magazine, Dues $105.00

Central Electric Co-op, Service Call $110.00

Dawson Construction, Garbage $269.40

Department of Revenue, Malt Beverage License $450.00

Express 2, Fuel $79.74

First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $428.00

Hillyard/Sioux Falls, Floor Machine $8,647.84

KO’s Pro Service, Repairs $28.49

Lewis Family Drug LLC, Medical-J. Knox $96.02

The Lodge at Deadwood, Travel $333.00

NorthWestern Energy, Utilities $1,569.89

Office Peeps Inc., Supplies $88.00

Ramkota Hotel-Pierre, Workshop $348.00

Sign Solutions USA, Travel $588.36

TranSource Truck & Equipment, Repairs $232.32

Vantek Communications, Sheriff Repairs $23.00

Waste Management, Utilities $229.92


Miller presented a bid for roof repair from A-1 Roofing & Insulation Systems that would be budgeted into 2025’s budget. The roof on the courthouse is still in fair condition overall, but there are a few spots that need to be resealed. All agreed to reseal the roof before it gets worse.  


Stacy Mendenhall and Sheri Kogel, Highway Department, met with the board. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to apply for design, for bid ready plans for bridges 56-030-025 & 56-209-000, with Brosz Engineering. Motion carried. By having this done in advance, it will increase the likelihood of the county receiving grant funds from the state for bridge projects. The Commissioners will be applying for the 50/50 payment plan.

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to declare the 2016 Honda 700 Side-by-side as surplus. Motion carried. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to sell the 2016 Honda on the Dean/Edwards June online auction. Motion carried; S. Larson abstained.


Moe plats were not presented with completion of paperwork. Plats will be re-presented when paperwork is completed. 

Sanborn County was presented with an ordinance from FEMA. Due to having some FEMA concerns in the past, Auditor Moody will do some more digging into the logistics of the presented ordinance. 


Nathan Snyder and Jordan Thuringer were present to discuss the ongoing agreement with Tech Solutions and what the agreement changes will look like for the county. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to enter into an agreement with Tech Solutions. Auditor Moody will be listed as an alternate signer along with Chairman Ebersdorfer. Motion carried. Tech Solutions is available for the security of the county’s documents and programs, along with the back-up system.  


Wade Huntington and Jen Fouberg from the South Dakota Department of Health joined the meeting for discussion regarding the Community Health Nurse program and how it works for Sanborn County. 

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to sign the agreement with the Department of Health for use of office space at no cost. Motion carried. WIC and Community Health Nurse will still be available at their designated dates and time in the Sanborn County Courthouse. 


Hearing no objections, motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to renew the following Malt Beverage Licenses. Motion carried.

Alt Investments dba Country Pumper – Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine;

Doren’s Bar – Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine;

Al’s Place – Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine.


Larson visited with the board regarding the newly unopposed election candidate for State’s Attorney, Aaron Pilcher. The county would like to have Pilcher on board with Larson, prior to Pilcher taking office in January. 


Drainage meeting minutes from May 8 were reviewed, discussed, and approved.

Governor Noem declared July 5th as an administrative leave day. Sanborn County follows any granted leave days that the governor or President declares. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, for Friday, July 5th, 2024, to be declared as administrative leave day for Sanborn County employees. Motion carried. 

Commissioner Ebersdorfer and Sheriff Tom Fridley attended the 911 meeting in conjunction with Miner County. Miner County is the host to the county’s dispatch center for 911 and traffic calls. Miner County reported that the amount of state funds that the county receives will be increasing in July. Miner County also presented a request for funds for 2025, to be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners.

There being no further business before the board, motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 a.m. Motion carried. 

Due to the Primary election on June 4th, the next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Friday, June 7, 2024.                                                                                                                                          

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County

Published once on May 31, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $71.00 and may be viewed free of charge at

Notice is hereby given that a Petition requesting that a certain public roadway and street bordered by and located within Butler and Ravenna Townships, Sanborn County, South Dakota, pursuant to SDCL 31-3-6, as hereinafter specifically described, has been received by the Supervisory Boards of Butler and Ravenna Townships; that the Petition may be examined by contacting one of the Township Clerks at the address indicated below; that the specific description of the property being requested to be vacated is:

That existing public right-of-way which includes the statutory right-of-way and any right-of-way acquired by deed(s) lying on the section line highway running north and south commonly known as 412th Avenue bordered by 241st Street on the north and 242nd Street on the south; and bordered on the east by Section 24, Township 105N, Range 60W; and on the west by Section 19, Township 105N, Range 59W, Sanborn County, South Dakota; said road being approximately 66 feet in width and approximately one (1) mile in length according to the maps on file with the Butler and Ravenna Townships clerks.

Therefore, notice is hereby given that the Supervisory Boards of Butler and Ravenna Townships will hold a joint public hearing to consider the Petition for Vacation of the above described public roadway located between Butler and Ravenna Townships, Sanborn County, South Dakota; such meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 7 o’clock p.m. at the Douglas Northrup home, 40707 242nd Street in Letcher, South Dakota.

That any persons interested in the proposed action may be present at said date and time and present their information, opinions, and/or arguments relative to the proposed action. Any persons unable to attend this hearing may deliver their written opinion for consideration by the Supervisory Boards, such testimony should be delivered prior to the date and time of the scheduled hearing by mailing or delivering the opinion to: Paula Northrup, Clerk of Butler Township, 40707 242nd Street, Letcher, South Dakota, 57359 or Judy Fredrichs, Clerk of Ravenna Township, 51354 240th Street, Artesian, South Dakota, 57314.


By Paula Northrup, Clerk


By Judy Fredrichs, Clerk

Published on May 31 and June 6, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $50.00 and may be viewed free of charge at

Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 7:18 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Clayton Dean, Mark Goral, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present: Superintendent/High School Principal Corey Flatten, Elementary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen and Business Manager Gayle Bechen. Absent: Curtis Adams. Gary Spelbring Jr. arrived at 7:22 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to Board Meeting: Myron Sonne addressed the Vo-Ag/FFA programs. He was thanked by the board.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the agenda as amended. 91-2023/2024. Approve the contract of Bailey Deinert as a Title I Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year; Should read: Approve the contract of Bailey Deinert as a Title I Teacher and Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on April 8, 2024, as printed. 

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the Financial reports and bills.

General Fund balance, April 1, 2024: $1,089,118.79. Receipts: taxes $71,172.41, interest $1,040.82, admission $9.78, other – pupil $10.55, other $341.48, state fines $1,139.28, state aid April $77,451.00, donation $13.60, Wessington Springs School 1/3 football reimbursement $2,857.10, Woonsocket School 1/3 football reimbursement  $2,857.10. Expenditures: $187,257.98, manual journal entry $1,586.85.  Balance, April 1, 2024: $1,057,167.08. CorTrust Savings balance, April 1, 2024: $50,994.53. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00.  Balance, April 1, 2024: $50,994.53. CDs $50,000.00.

Capital Outlay Fund balance, April 1, 2024: $383,345.74. Receipts: taxes $13,300.07, interest $396.50, other $173.30.  Expenditures: $1,011.83. Balance, April 1, 2024: $396,203.78. CDs $300,000.00.

Special Education Fund balance, April 1, 2024: $228,476.65. Receipts: taxes $7,970.55, interest $214.77. Expenditures: $20,684.85, manual journal entry $258.75. Balance, April 1, 2024: $215,718.37. CDs $250,000.00.

Food Service Fund balance, April 1, 2024: ($5,224.88). Receipts: student meals $5,863.60, adult meals $338.20, ala carte $5,010.34, federal reimbursement $3,823.41. Expenditures: $16,311.86, manual journal entry $9.00. Balance, April 1, 2024: ($6,510.19).

Enterprise Fund balance, April 1, 2024: $10,262.89. Receipts: preschool tuition $1,231.00. Expenditures: $4,419.41. Balance, April 1, 2024: $7,074.48.

Custodial Funds, April 1, 2024:  $68,313.65. Receipts: $3,446.49. Expenditures: $12,572.00. Balance, April 1, 2024: $59,188.14.

Scholarship Fund balance, April 1, 2024: $9,256.53. Receipts: interest $1.86. Expenditure: $750.00. Balance, April 30, 2024: $8,508.39. Peters Scholarship balance: $7,758.39; Nelson Scholarship balance: $750.00.

Salaries and benefits for the month of May 2024 were as follows: 

General Fund: $223,295.01; 

Special Education: $21,337.95; 

Food Service: $11,690.80; 

Enterprise Fund: $4,419.41.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $41.12; Curtis Adams, reimburse football grass seed $834.51; Logan Amundson, conference meals/mileage $428.60; Brooks Oil Co., unleaded gas $1,482.75, #2 diesel $1,848.00; Capital One, high school supply $31.50, awards night supply $32.80; CarQuest, bus supply $777.99; Central Electric, April main building $2,427.86, April bus barn $322.95; Chesterman Co., pop $105.77; Clayton’s Repair, bus repair $315.00; Cole Paper Inc., janitor supply $2,671.83; Conrad Repair, plumbing repair $241.92; CorTrust, air cards $55.00, hotspot $35.00, elementary supply $15.05, high school supply $23.90; TIE conference room $190.00, awards night supply $31.50; Dawson Construction, three month garbage fee $1,080.60; Direct Digital Control, hvac service $1,282.68, filters $995.31; Feistner Gravel & Excavation, gravel $612.00; Holiday Inn, guidance conference room $332.07; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, workbooks $1,319.50; 

[IMPREST: Chester Area School, high school track fee $225.00; Corsica/Stickney School, junior high track fee $80.00; CorTrust, honor band – room $154.00, honor band corsage $35.00; Susan Farrell-Poncelet, dakota dreams rooms/mileage $610.52; Freeman High School, high school track fee $200.00; Hanson School District, junior high track fee $145.00; Miller School District, high school track fee $100.00; Mt. Vernon School, boys basketball region 2024 loss $58.71; TIE, conference registration – Olsen $227.50; Wessington Springs School, junior high track fee $70.00];

The Instrumentalist Awards, band award $87.00; Josten’s Inc., National Honor Society cords $186.82; Jostens, valedictorian/salutatorian medals $30.00; K&D Busing, half of busing band/FFA/track/golf $2,091.56; Emma Klaas, reimburse found library book $11.95; Jeannette Knigge, smarter balance snacks $65.52; KO’s Pro Service, bus tire mount/dismount $15.00; Jennifer Larson, USB charge cord $26.54; Menards, janitor supply $166.49, bus barn supply $101.99; Mid-Dakota Technologies, April tech support $175.00; Mitchell Republic, renewal periodical $269.89; Krista Moore, 25 foot HDMI cable $18.99; Nearpod LLC, online lessons $6,425.00; Performance Foodservice, janitor supply $390.50; Premier Equipment, mower service/supply $3,470.64; Public Health Laboratory, water tests $15.00; Sanborn Central Foodservice, lunch supervision food March/April $516.75; Sanborn Weekly Journal, preschool/child ID ad $108.00, board proceedings $107.35; Santel Communications, phone/fax $226.91; Signature Plus, boys basketball SoDak 16 plaque $44.00; Software Unlimited, accounting software annual fee $4,650.00; Southeast Area Cooperative, Kindergarten/primary academy registration Larson and Uecker $400.00; Staples, membership fee $299.99; Sun Gold Sports, high school medals $349.50, middle school medals $330.00, sports medals $142.50, staff/community awards $55.50; TC Enterprises, install two outlets $143.86; Mark VanOverschelde, postage $93.85; Wessington Springs School, 1/3 football expenses $3,848.48; Williams Musical & Office Equipment, reeds $85.97; Woonsocket School, 1/3 football expenses $3,210.91; Woony Foods, middle school supply $20.36.

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $1,011.83; Plains Commerce Bank, five month CD 5.2 percent $50,000.00.

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Sped services mileage $9.18. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Bimbo Bakeries, bread $80.91; Leah Brunette, food $6.89; CorTrust, supply $60.23; Darrington Water Conditioning, April SS tank $34.00; East Side Jersey Dairy, milk $687.50; Performance Foodservice, food $3,792.26, ala carte $627.30, supply $207.45, COVID Fruits and Vegetable $1,035.98; Woony Foods, food $51.77.


Mr. Flatten reported on the following: 

• Megan Wilson won Region 3 Teacher of the Year Award and is a state finalist for Teacher of the Year. The Board is extremely proud of her. 

• May 3rd the high school had their yearly clean-up day. The students did an excellent job. 

• Award’s night on May 6th was excellent. The amount of scholarships and medals given was outstanding.  

• May 15th and 16th are high school semester test days. 

• State Track begins on the 23rd. SCW currently has some participants that are in the Top 24 in individual events. 

• The district purchased Nearpod. It is a PreK-12 online curriculum company that gives teachers access to over 22,000 lessons. The lessons can be done at their own pace or taught to the whole class. 

• Graduation was May 11th. Kara Wormstadt was the Valedictorian, and Aubrey Senska was the Salutatorian. Mr. Steele, Mrs. Farrell-Poncelet, and the sophomore class did a great job decorating the gym. 

• FFA End of the Year Banquet is May 14th at 6 p.m.

Mrs. Vermeulen’s Report: 

• The elementary classes scheduled field trips in Woonsocket this year. This decision was made to assist with the lack of drivers for the large buses. Tours were scheduled at the bank, clinic, Santel, and Back 9. Students enjoyed playing at the park. 

• The middle school clean-up day is scheduled for May 16. They will be traveling to Artesian and Letcher to pick up trash. 

• The colony graduation is scheduled for May 14 at 2:30 p.m. There are four graduates. The graduation will be held in Mr. Harless’ classroom. 

• School will dismiss at 11 a.m. on May 17. 

• The elementary PBIS party will be held on May 16. 

• A representative from the Sanford Underground Research Lab visited Sanborn Central on May 2. She presented to four groups (PreK through second, third through fifth, sixth through eighth, and ninth through 12th). All of the presentations included hands-on activities. 

• Grades first through third participated in Declaim on May 1. 

• Track and Field Day will take place on May 15. 

• Awards Night was held on May 6. There was great attendance of parents and students. 

• On April 23, I (Mrs. Vermeulen) took the seventh grade students to Camp Med at the Corn Palace in Mitchell. Students rotated stations featuring different careers in the health industry.

Discussion Items:

• It was decided to not transfer funds from Capital Outlay to General Fund. 

• The preliminary budget was discussed. 

• The Board discussed the hiring of the new football coach, Michael Schmitz (Woonsocket School District Contract). 

• There was an update on the football field. 

• Summer janitorial positions were discussed. 

• Discussion was held on the school board election on June 18th, and the workers are Judy Wormstadt, Terry Moore, Gwen Senska, and alternate Dawna VanOverschelde.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the district’s 2024-2025 membership in the Associated School Boards of South Dakota. 

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the SPED Comprehensive Plan for 2024-2025. 

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the contract with Horizon Healthcare to provide school health services for 2024-2025.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the Extended School Year Services contract to Kelly McClane for one student at a rate of $25.00 per hour for five total hours for a total of $125.00 and Paula Sanderson at a rate of $25.00 per hour for three students at 20 hours for a total of $500.00.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the Extended School Year Service contract to David Steele for one student at the rate of $25.00 per hour for 12 total hours for a $300.00 total.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve a $600.00 payment to each of the bus drivers Grant Goudy, Judy Hemminger, Kelsey Kaiser, James McWhorter, and Lynette Baysinger for accumulatively filling the void left with no bus superintendent.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve James “Pete” McWhorter to a rate of $20.00 per hour as bus maintenance through the month of May 2024.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the contract of Bailey Deinert as a Title I teacher and assistant volleyball coach for the 2024-2025 school year.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the contract of Brandy Hetland as a Title I teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the $500.00 buyout of Bailey Deinert’s contract with the Woonsocket School District. Payable to Bailey Deinert.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the district’s membership in TIE for the 2024-2025 school year.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve Rickey Nelson as a volunteer varsity football coach for the 2024-2025 school year.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to review the district’s Safe Return to School Plan and accept any public commentary, approve any necessary changes.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to go into Executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) for personnel items and SDCL 1-25-2(4) for administrative negotiations with possible motions to follow at 8:31 p.m. Regular session resumed at 10:25 p.m.

Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sanborn Central School.  

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 10:26 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

Published once on May 31, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $150.50 and may be viewed free of charge at

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