Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, July 18, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Clayton Dean, Mark Goral, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present were Superintendent Corey Flatten and Business Manager Gayle Bechen. Absent: Curtis Adams.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to Board Meeting: Susan Farrell-Poncelet, and Peggy Hinker, new board member.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on June 10, 2024, as printed.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the Financial reports and bills:  

General Fund balance, June 1, 2024: $1,404,197.51. Receipts: taxes $83,461.64, penalties/interest $258.88, interest $1,276.93, other $2,991.52, yearbook $55.00, state fines $1,287.16, state aid June $77,450.00, Title IV $10,000.00, Title I $54,586.00, reap $11,848.00, Woonsocket School $65,245.78. Expenditures: $444,425.53, manual journal entry $26,313.62.  Balance, June 30, 2024: $1,241,919.27. CorTrust Savings balance, June 1, 2024: $50,994.53. Receipts: interest $95.35. Expenditures: $0.00.  Balance, June 30, 2024: $51,089.88. CDs $50,000.00. Cash box $160.00.

Capital Outlay Fund balance, June 1, 2024: $490,596.64. Receipts: taxes $14,962.71, penalties/interest $43.26, interest $544.27, manual journal entry $24,959.27.  Expenditures: $14,585.83. Balance, June 30, 2024: $516,520.32. CDs $350,000.00.

Special Education Fund balance, June 1, 2024: $201,525.66. Receipts: taxes $8,972.83, penalties/interest $26.27, interest $272.13, Woonsocket School $36,331.93, idea 611 $43,909.00, idea 619 $2,092.00. Expenditures: $46,768.57, manual journal entry/voided check $258.75. Balance, June 30, 2024: $246,102.50. CDs $250,000.00.

Food Service Fund balance, June 1, 2024: ($9,858.07). Receipts: student meals $120.00, adult meals $159.05, ala carte $23.55, federal reimbursement $2,739.13, cans proration $258.79. Expenditures: $17,593.54. Balance, June 30, 2024: ($24,151.09).

Enterprise Fund balance, June 1, 2024: $3,317.57. Receipts: $0.00. Expenditures: $6,382.52. Balance, June 30, 2024: ($3,064.95).

Custodial Funds balance, June 1, 2024: $53,937.12. Receipts: $5,728.61. Expenditures: $6,553.06. Balance, June 30, 2024: $53,112.67.

Scholarship Fund balance, June 1, 2024: $8,510.30. Receipts: interest $1.73. Balance, June 30, 2024: $8,512.03. Peters Scholarship balance: $7,762.03; Nelson Scholarship balance: $750.00.

Salaries and benefits for the month of July, 2024 were as follows: 

General Fund: $146,064.01; 

Special Education: $17,933.61; 

Food Service: $10,805.76; 

Enterprise Fund: $4,419.41.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – Brooks Oil, prepaid 16,000 gallon LP $20,000.00, prepaid 923 gallon gas $2,998.83, prepaid 580 gallon #2 diesel $2,000.13; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $81.17; Curtis Adams, spreader rent $200.00; Arctic Refrigeration, repair/mileage freezer $204.90; Associated School Boards of South Dakota, 2024-25 dues $966.09; Brooks Oil, two oil drums $2,431.00; Capital One, stem activity supply $91.25; CarQuest, bus supply $357.98, 22 ton jack bus barn $848.95, pickup wipers $19.99, janitor supply $297.98; Central Electric, June electricity main building $2,013.12, bus barn $145.73; Cole Paper Inc., janitor supply $1,604.81, copier paper $1,567.00; Connecting Point, android for activepanel $307.70; CorTrust, high school supply $42.33, middle school supply $31.24, elementary supply $199.80, high school esport monitors/insurance $683.97, administrative assistant supply $53.29; Dawson Construction, extra garbage pickup $75.00; Bailey Deinert, reimburse contract buyout $500.00; DLD Technologies Corp, web filtering $2,800.00;  EMC Insurance, commercial property $29,271.00, inland marine $147.00, general liability $2,544.00, commercial auto $10,336.00, commercial umbrella $1,616.00, cybersolutions $571.00, professional liability $2,498.00, fees $5.00; Farmers Elevator, janitor supply $39.06; Susan Farrell-Poncelet, reimburse mentor academy room/mileage $243.49; Hohn’s Carpet Cleaning, professional service $3,194.00;

[IMPREST: CorTrust, Sam’s membership $52.10, Quizlet ESSER III middle school $34.19, Quizlet ESSER III high school $68.38, amazon water filters $1,567.98, bookbundler literacy camp ESSER III supply $147.25; Make it Mine Design, van wrap, window and door covers $3,647.70]; 

J.W. Pepper, band sheet music $29.99; Lonny Kaiser, janitor supply $23.34; Menards, janitor supply $123.36, bus supply $77.89, literacy day outside ESSER III supply $34.94; Mid-Dakota Technologies, June tech support $175.00; Mid-State Distributing, projection screen $1,715.06; Mitchell Area Superintendent Association, 2024-25 membership $100.00; Terry Moore, election school/election worker/mileage $191.32; Pomps Tire Service, bus tires $8,131.20; Power GPU, three high school esports computers $7,043.28; Premier Equipment, lawn mower belts/service $336.30; Public Health Laboratory, water tests $15.00; Really Great Reading Co., elementary interactive software $2,936.60; Riddell/All American Sports, recondition football equipment $1,733.30; Riverside Technologies, 10 hp laptops staff $7,680.00; Rudy’s Auto Body & Towing, bus tow $445.00; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $133.55, election notices/sample ballot $120.28; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $194.13; School Administrators of South Dakota, superintendent membership $440.00, South Dakota Association of Supervision for Curriculum Development superintendent membership $30.00, South Dakota School Superintendent’s Association superintendent membership $165.00, South Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals high school principal membership $70.00,  South Dakota School Superintendent’s Association superintendent summer conference $200.00; School Specialty, elementary supply $206.92; South Dakota Department of Health, co-nurse services $340.00; South Dakota High School Activities Association, 23-24 rule books $16.00; Gwen Senska, election school/election worker/mileage $193.36; Sherwin Williams, paint $95.98; SHI International Corp, software licenses $2,110.74; Ashly Uecker, math curriculum reimbursement $84.96; Dawna VanOverschelde, election school/mileage $38.26; Megan Wilson, reimburse gimkit subscription $59.88; Woonsocket School District, pre region golf loss $90.57; Judy Wormstadt, election school/election worker/mileage $193.36.

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $1,011.83; CarQuest, 20 T ramps buses $1,238.25; CorTrust, high school novels $374.74, elementary chair $119.99, elementary/middle school principal chair $119.99.

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Gayle Bechen, TE vol 2 $89.60; 

[IMPREST: CorTrust, Amazon SPED TE vol 1 $80.22]. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Darrington Water Conditioning, June SS tank $34.00; 

[IMPREST: CorTrust, Sanborn Central general fund food service supply $17.55].


Mr. Flatten reported on the following: 

• CTE Collaboration group has ordered the small-engine repair trailer and the meat processing trailer. They will be modified to be used at the schools. 

• Dalsin Roofing came and repaired some small leaks at the school after the heavy rains. 

• Make It Mine Design came and put up graphics on the front and back entrance along with a new sign in the front of the school. They will return to do gym entrance door after it is repainted.

• Flatten attended the State Superintendent Conference. There were many different sessions that incorporated branding the school and getting the message out to the community. 

• Associated School Boards of South Dakota Conference is August 8th and 9th in Sioux Falls; Vermeulen and Flatten will be attending. 

• Bus inspections are scheduled for July 29th at the school with Foremans. 

• Future plans for the FFA co-op were discussed. There will be a joint meeting between ag teachers and administration from both schools next week.   

Discussion Item: 

• A possible storage building was discussed. 

• Football field will receive soil optimizer and other nutrients courtesy of Glanzer Backyard Design in the coming future to fill in some gaps. 

• The High School Semester Test percentage change was discussed by Flatten and the board. There will be communication with the public and a motion to follow in August. 

• The Sanborn Central School District thanked Clayton Dean for his 11 years on the school board.

Old Business: 

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the supplemental budget resolution #2 to the 2023-2024 budget. General Fund: elementary summer school ESSER supply $238.50; high school summer school other compensation $300.00, Social Security $22.95, retirement $18.00; DW co-curricular supply $1,170.00. Means of Finance General Fund surplus cash $1,749.45. Capital Outlay Fund: guidance furniture $520.00. Means of Finance Capital Outlay Fund surplus cash: $520.00. Special Education Fund: psychologist co-op payment $294.00; speech other compensation $590.00; physical therapy co-op fee $223.00; occupational therapy co-op fee $395.00. Means of Finance Special Education surplus cash: $1,502.00. Enterprise Fund: preschool other compensation $1,500.00, benefits $460.00. Means of Finance General Fund surplus cash: $1,960.00.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to canvass and approve the results of the election on June 18, 2024, and declare Curtis Adams and Peggy Hinker winners of the school board election, with 109 and 122 respectively, with Justin Enfield receiving 21 votes. Sanborn Central School District had 869 registered voters on the date voter registration closed, 130 registered voters voted in the election, and 15 percent of the registered voters voted.

Based upon the provisions of SDCL 13-11-2, the Sanborn Central Board of Education held its annual hearing for adoption of the 2024-2025 school district budget. Discussion was held.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the adoption of the 2024-2025 Sanborn Central School District 55-5 budget as amended. Capital Outlay Means of Finance read Estimated surplus to finance budget $90,100.00; Ad Valorem taxes $215,000.00; should read Capital Outlay Means of Finance, Estimated surplus to finance budget $205,100.00; Ad Valorem taxes $100,000.00.   

There being no further business to come before the 2023-2024 Board of Education, the meeting was adjourned sine die at 7:48 p.m., July 18, 2024. 

Issuance of certificates of election. Administered the Oath of office to board member Peggy Hinker – Elected to a three-year term. She read the Oath of Office as Board Member of the Sanborn Central School District 55-5. During the August meeting, Curtis Adams – three-year term will be sworn-in.

Motion by Hinker, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve Superintendent Flatten as temporary Board Chair.

Emma Klaas nominated Mark Goral as board chair, seconded by Gary Spelbring Jr.; Gary Spelbring Jr. called for nominations to cease. 

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to elect Mark Goral as Chair of the 2024-2025 Board of Education. 

Mark Goral nominated Gary Spelbring Jr. as vice chair, seconded by Emma Klaas. Emma Klaas called for nominations to cease.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to elect Gary Spelbring Jr. as Vice Chair of the 2024-2025 Board of Education. 

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the committee appointments as recommended by the Board Chair: Legislative – Emma Klaas; Negotiations: Mark Goral, Peggy Hinker, and Superintendent Flatten; Associated School Boards of South Dakota Delegate Emma Klaas, alternate Gary Spelbring Jr.; Capital Outlay – Curtis Adams, Gary Spelbring Jr., and Superintendent Flatten; and JVEC – Superintendent Flatten.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Hinker, all aye, to approve all organizational procedures as follows: to designate the Business Manager and the Superintendent as custodians of all accounts within the district; to designate the Business Manager and the Superintendent to sign pertinent documents in the other’s absence and authorize the use of Board President’s or Superintendent’s signature stamps when required; to designate First National Insurance as the insurance agent of record; to designate Superintendent Flatten as the Director of all federal programs for the Sanborn Central School District and authorize him to submit applications for such programs; to designate Rodney Freeman as the school district’s attorney of record; to designate Corey Flatten and Gayle Bechen as the school’s authorized representatives to the South Dakota Retirement System and Insurance Groups, as well as the school district’s custodian of related accounts; to set bond for school business manager at $50,000.00; to establish the date/time for monthly school board meetings as the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.; to establish the board member’s per diem at $90.00 per regular and special meeting and mileage at state rates, with the Board Chair receiving $100.00 per meeting; to authorize Superintendent/High School Principal Corey Flatten, PreK-8 Principal Connie Vermeulen, and Transportation Supervisor James “Pete” McWhorter to postpone/cancel school for reasons of inclement weather and emergencies; to adopt the following order of business for the 2024-2025 Board of Education: 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance; 2. Additional Agenda and Disclosure Items; 3. Visitors to the Board Meeting; 4. Approval of Agenda; 5. Approval of Minutes; 6. Financial Reports/Bills; 7. Reports and Items of Discussion; 8. Old Business; 9. New Business; 10. Executive Session (if applicable); and 11. Adjournment; to approve that board action may be taken if it is approved by the majority of members voting; to designate Superintendent Flatten and Transportation Supervisor James “Pete” McWhorter as those responsible for transportation in the Sanborn Central School District; to approve assurance of compliance standards for all federal/state programs; to approve the annual School Bus Emergency Assistance Pact for the 2024-25 school year; to approve the Sanborn Weekly Journal as the official Sanborn Central School District’s newspaper; to approve state travel rates and per diem allowances. Up to $6.00 breakfast, $14.00 lunch, and $20.00 supper. The mileage is dictated by the state and mileage allowances will be set by their standard and district policy. The lodging rate is cost. Students receive $12.00 per meal; to designate Superintendent Flatten as the purchasing agent for the Sanborn Central School District; to approve the following fees for 2024-25: pre-school education monthly fee $125.00 for four-day and $150.00 for five-day; admission prices: regular games, students $3.00, adults $5.00, above age 65 free; double header games, students $4.00, adults $6.00, above age 65 free; yearbook: no personalization $35.02; hot lunch prices as: $3.25 for PreK-5, $3.50 for 6-12, $4.85 for adults; breakfast club: $2.25 PreK-12, adult breakfast $2.75; complimentary passes: employees/board members family passes, and Veteran and active service members receive an adult pass along with spectators age 65 and above; Season tickets/passes: student activity pass $25.00, adult activity pass $45.00, and family passes $85.00; to approve substitute teacher pay as $110.00 for non-certified and $125.00 for certified. Long-term substitute for the same teacher after five consecutive days will be $140.00 per day if certified; to approve substitute bus driver pay in the amount of $100.00 for full route (a.m./p.m.) and extra duty pay as $15.00 per hour; to approve driver’s education: $250.00 in district, $350.00 out of district (if not full), $125.00 retake cost (if needed); to approve officials compensation: basketball referee for fifth-eighth $35.00, ninth-junior varsity $45.00, junior varsity/varsity game $110.00 each with state rates for driving with riding time $0.18/mile, double header varsity games $140.00 each with state rates for driving with riding time $0.18/mile; volleyball officials junior varsity/varsity $100.00 with state rates for driving with riding time $0.18/mileage, tournament volleyball officials $100.00, line judge $45.00; football referee for junior high $35.00, junior varsity referee $45.00, varsity $125.00 with state rates for driving with riding time $0.18/mile, chain gang $30.00; clock operators: varsity $35.00, junior varsity $20.00; shot clock operators: varsity $35.00, junior varsity $20.00; official book keeper: varsity only $35.00; Golf-state official: $100.00 per day; to designate the CorTrust Bank of Artesian and Letcher as the official depository of school funds and authorize Gayle Bechen and Corey Flatten as custodians of all accounts; to appoint Corey Flatten and Gayle Bechen as administrators of the Custodial account and to institute any school lunch agreements; to authorize the board chair to call recesses; to appoint Schoenfish & Co, Inc. as the district’s audit firm; to authorize continuation of existing funds or accounts and the establishment of any new accounts, if necessary; to approve the current school board policies; to appoint Corey Flatten and Connie Vermeulen as truancy officers and Corey Flatten as Rehabilitation Act Section 504, Americans with Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination, and Asbestos compliance officer; to appoint Connie Vermeulen as Title IX officer; to approve the district’s annual membership in TIE; and to approve membership in the South Dakota United Schools Association for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Motion by Hinker, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve voting for the following recommendation for a position at the South Dakota High School Activities Association: West River at Large – Chris Long, Lyman School District.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the new high school grading scale to be implemented at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year.

Executive Session was not applicable.

Sanborn Central Staff Contracts 2024-2025:  Administration: Gayle Bechen, business manager $56,800.00; Corey Flatten, superintendent/high school principal $83,400.00; Connie Vermeulen, elementary/middle school  principal $78,100.00, middle school student council advisor $800.00, testing coordinator $90.000; Certified Staff: Logan Amundson, dean of students $49,104.00, dual credit coordinator $90.00; Nicole Bies, elementary teacher $47,524.00; Bailey Deinert, Title I teacher $48,500.00, SCW assistant volleyball coach $4,280.00 (shared); Jenny Easton, vocal music teacher $51,665.00 (shared), PreK-12 extra vocal events $3,055.00 (shared), travel $1,400.00 (shared); Susan Farrell-Poncelet, middle school/high school teacher $51,910.00, senior project advisor $1,600.00, oral interp advisor $2,250.00, prom advisor $2,000.00, high school yearbook advisor $2,500.00, speech – debate coach $2,000.00; Rachael Foster, colony teacher $54,668.00, longevity $1,000.00, two additional levels $4,000.00; John Harless, colony teacher $51,735, two additional levels $4,000.00; Brandy Hetland, Title I teacher $49,800.00; Jeannette Knigge, colony teacher $50,935, longevity $1,000.00, two additional levels $4,000.00; Jennifer Larson, elementary teacher $54,642.00, longevity $1,000.00; Tim McCain, middle school/high school math/PE teacher $55,084.00, longevity $1,000.00, district athletic director $5,200.00, SCW assistant golf coach $3,700.00 (shared); Kelly McClane, speech therapist $56,960.00 (shared), longevity $1,000.00 (shared), travel $1,400.00 (shared), summer school $25.00/hour; Robin Moody, elementary teacher $53,252.00, longevity $1,000.00, SCW co-op junior varsity girls basketball $4,280.00 (shared); Krista Moore, elementary teacher $53,879.00; Leah Olson, middle school/high school teacher $49,686.00; Kayla Olson-VanWinkle, middle school/high school  teacher $47,853.00, SCW co-op fifth/sixth girls basketball coach $2,200.00 (shared), SCW co-op junior high girls basketball coach $3,350.00 (shared); Jill Reimer, elementary teacher $56,496.00, longevity $1,000.00; Paula Sanderson, K-12 special education teacher $55,547, longevity $1,000.00, summer school $25.00/hour; Cheryl Schmit, elementary teacher $55,105.00, longevity $1,000.00; David Steele, middle school/high school teacher $52,243.00, SCW co-op fifth/sixth boys basketball coach $2,200.00 (shared), SCW co-op junior high boys basketball coach $3,350.00 (shared), multi-media club/live ticket $2,600.00, high school student council co-advisor $600.00, SCW co-op assist high school track coach $3,700.00 (shared); Ashly Uecker, preschool teacher $48,737.00; Todd Welch, high school/middle school ag teacher $49,213.00, extended day $4,267.05.00, FFA advisor $4,075.00; Megan Wilson, high school teacher $51,828.00, National Honor Society advisor $1,200.00, high school student council co-advisor $600.00, SCW co-op junior high volleyball coach $3,350.00 (shared), summer custodian painting $18.00/hour; Hannah Ziebarth, middle school teacher $47,427. Classified Staff: Lynette Baysinger, bus driver $18,036.00; Shawna Baysinger, part-time district paraprofessional – colony $17.35/hour; Leah Brunette, assistant cook $19.50/hour, summer custodian painting $16.00/hour; Laura Conrad, head cook-manager $42,202.00; Lanette Dean, district paraprofessional – colony $18.20/hour; Brooke Easton, district paraprofessional $17.00/hour; Jolene Enfield, librarian aide $20.84/hour; Grant Goudy, bus driver $20,380.00; Judy Hemminger, bus driver $22,941.00; Logan Hetland, special education paraprofessional $18.00/hour; Kelsey Kaiser, custodian $17.00/hour, bus driver $16,933; Lonny Kaiser, cleaning custodian $19.50/hour; Laura Licht, administrative assistant $20.00/hour; Tina Luthi, dishwasher/cook helper $20.22/hour; James McWhorter, bus supervisor $13,000.00, bus driver $19,000.00; Rita Trebil, special education paraprofessional $19.12/hour; Mark VanOverschelde, school maintenance $5,000.00; Hannah Welch, special education paraprofessional $18.70/hour; Nancy Wonner, district paraprofessional $18.00/hour.

The next regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Sanborn Central School Library.  

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Hinker, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Mark Goral

Board Chair

Published once on August 1, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $227.75 and may be viewed free of charge at

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