Mayor Mark Chada called the meeting to order with Sean Gromer, Angie Larson, and Angie Meier in attendance. Visitors to the meeting were: C. Gebel, W. Mackey, Angie McCain, Stephen Escobin, and Lori Bratland.
A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the February 10th, 2025, minutes as read.
A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve the financials as presented.
Old Business:
Buckshot’s Roadhouse will be changing hands of ownership on February 16th, 2025. Paperwork has been sent to the new owner to fill out. He will be attending the next meeting on February 17th for the transferring of the liquor license.
New Business:
Discussion was held on the remainder of the water meters needing to be installed. Conrad Repair will not be able to finish the installation. Chada was going to contact Shannon Lynn to see if he can finish the installation.
C. Gebel and W. Mackey attended the meeting discussing Mackey moving a mobile home into town. He will be purchasing a lot to be able to move the mobile home.
S. Escobin and A. McCain attended the meeting to transfer the liquor license from McCain to Escobin. Paperwork was filled out and L. Bratland notarized the paperwork to be sent into the state. S. Escobin purchased Buckshot’s and will be open Tuesday-Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:
GENERAL AND WATER/SEWER: Health Pool of South Dakota – $1,687.83 – Health Insurance, Department of Revenue – $450.00 – Liquor License Transfer, Milbank Winwater Works – $221.24 – Meter Installation Foam Box, Postmaster – $438.00 – Postage, South Dakota Municipal League – $208.00 – Dues 2025.
The next board meeting will be held on March 3rd, 2025, at the city office.
Angie Meier
Finance Officer
Published once on February 27, 2025, at the total approximate cost of $22.25 and may be viewed free of charge at