The Town of Artesian Council met on February 11, 2025, in a regular session at the Artesian Community Center at 7:30 p.m. Council Member Travis King called the meeting to order with Council Member Candi Danek present. Also present were Finance Officer MaKenna Wormstadt, Alex Wormstadt, Kaleigh Zoss, Rich Danek, Shilo Peer, Wendi Peer, Barb Metzinger, Jodi Hein, and Charles Beaudry.
Motion by Danek, seconded by King, to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Participation: Discussion was held on burning in town.
Motion by Danek, seconded by King, to approve the minutes from January 14, 2025, financial reports and vouchers as presented; motion carried:
Xcel Energy, Utilities $1,186.46
Hertel, Makenna, Payroll $709.57
King, Travis, Payroll $99.74
Salathe, Michael, Payroll $41.56
Artesian Fire Department, Rent $125.00
Dawson Sanitation Services, Utilities $1,646.44
Dawson Construction Inc., Utilities $375.00
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $532.56
South Dakota Association of Townships, Service $222.25
Rural Ag, Service $580.54
IRS, Fees $563.72
Runnings, Supplies $350.45
Just Duet, Service $2,900.00
Kibble, Supplies $2,500.00
M&A Bauer, Machinery $1,600.00
Bob Schmit, Equipment $27,500.00
Farmers Elevator, Service $1,197.16
Old Business:
Streets – Discussion was held on the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Code Enforcement – Discussion was held, and updates were given. Lagoons – Discussion was held. Dueling Pianos – Discussion was held. Playset – Discussion was held.
New Business:
Motion by Danek, seconded by King, to approve the 2025 Artesian Volunteer Firemen roster. Motion by Danek, seconded by King, to join the South Dakota Town and Townships; motion carried. Motion by Danek, seconded by King, to approve the temporary liquor licenses; motion carried.
There being no further business brought before the council, motion by Danek, seconded by King, to adjourn; motion carried.
City of Artesian
Finance Officer
Travis King
Council Member
Published once on February 20, 2025, at the total approximate cost of $25.50 and may be viewed free of charge at