On Saturday, March 1, hundreds of people from all over Sanborn County, from other areas of the state and visitors from other states all congregated at Wes and Sherri Stekl’s shed on their farm east of Letcher to raise funds to help Brady Larson and his family as he goes through treatment and recovery from severe aplastic anemia. Brady’s sister, Brooklyn, has been determined to be a perfect match to donate stem cells to help him fight the blood disorder that makes it so he can’t produce enough red blood cells of his own; therefore, the family will have a lot on their plate for the next few months.
The entertaining event on Saturday raised over $125,000 for the family. They also raised a little over $15,000 to help Bob Steckel of Letcher who is fighting his own form of leukemia. Earlier in the week prior to the event at Stekl’s, Mitchell Livestock Marketing sold a heifer 55 times and raised $31,000 to donate to the Larson family. There have also been other fundraising events, and people have sent in donations directly to bank accounts setup to help Larson, so there will be a good financial foundation to help the Larsons work their way through this as a family.
Sanborn County has a lot to be proud of with all the work volunteers put into these events and for the thousands of dollars raised. It is truly second to none. There is an account setup at Dakotaland Federal Credit Union that is still taking donations if there is anyone who would like to donate but has been unable to attend any event to do so.
…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!