Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, December 11, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central conference room with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, Olson, and Schmit. Others present were Superintendent Siemsen; Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen and Business Manager Bechen.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting November 13, 2017, as printed.
Visitors to Board meeting: None.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills.
General Fund balance, November 1, 2017: $36,472.85. Receipts: taxes $314,937.25, penalties/interest $282.48, interest $8.03, other pupil $83.53, other local income $8.70, state fines $1,736.54, state aid $46,443.00, Medicaid 762.65, voided check $1,239.85. Expenditures: $161,264.47, manual journal entry $74.85. Balance, November 30, 2017: $240,635.56. CorTrust Savings balance, November 1, 2017: $150,053.32. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, November 30, 2017: $150,053.32.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, November 1, 2017: $757,477.06. Receipts: taxes $184,409.23, penalties/interest $159.34, interest $29.71, manual journal entry $0.40. Expenditures: $13,854.77. Balance, November 30, 2017: $928,220.97.
Special Education Fund balance: November 1, 2017: $89,376.89. Receipts: taxes $9,552.50, penalties/interest $18.78, interest $2.41, Medicaid $64.00, CD interest $480.67. Expenditures: $27,397.32, manual journal entry $480.67. Balance, November 30, 2017: $71,617.26. Invested $100,000.00. CorTrust Savings balance, November 1, 2017: $1,826.49. Receipts: interest $0.00. Balance, November 30, 2017: $1,826.49.
Pension Fund balance, November 1, 2017: $378.76. Receipts: taxes $3.97, penalties/interest $2.78, interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, November 30, 2017: $385.51.
Food Service Fund balance, November 1, 2017: $(3,250.13). Receipts: student meals $6,582.47, adult meals $457.75, ala carte $573.00, certification $171.66, federal reimbursement $5,073.22, miscellaneous revenue $4.00. Expenditures: $13,965.70, manual journal entry $104.00. Balance, November 30, 2017: $(4,457.73).
Enterprise Fund balance, November 1, 2017: $(1,554.53). Receipts: $2,031.00. Expenditures: $3,784.77. Balance, November 30, 2017: $(3,308.30).
Scholarship Fund balance, November 1, 2017: $12,683.82. Receipts: interest $0.40. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, November 30, 2017: $12,684.22. Peters Scholarship balance: $12,684.22; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Trust and Agency Funds balance, November 1, 2017: $55,642.39. Receipts: $22,271.97. Expenditures: $5,592.98. Balance, November 30, 2017: $72,321.38.
Salaries and benefits for the month of December 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: 146,593.59;
Special Education: 19,733.23;
Food Service: 8,590.54;
Enterprise: 3,677.14.
Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $31.68, ag shop oxygen tank $54.25; American Garage Door, service garage door $91.75; Brooks Oil Company, gas $951.50, #1 diesel $2,645.16, propane $2,310.80, new fuel pump installed and delivered $963.30; Central Electric, November electricity $2,872.55, mini split repair $95.00; Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns LLP, audit letter fee $121.40; Country Pumper, sports ice $12.58; Creative Printing, banner corrections $32.80; Department of Revenue, water testing $29.00; Shane Gross, reimburse ag supply $21.30; Heartland Paper, janitor supply $897.53;
[IMPREST FUND: Chester Area, volleyball regions loss $219.17; Hanson School, junior high girls basketball tourney $80.00; Tucker Kingsbury, basketball referee Cancer Tourney $40.00; Tim McCain, basketball referee Cancer Tourney $80.00; Plankinton School, region oral interp $41.48; South Dakota Association of Elementary School Principals, region 4 dues $75.00; Stan Houstan, table saw $345.00];
Jaymar Business Forms, business forms $49.14; Josten’s, high school diploma covers $122.52; K&D Bussing, leased bussing sports October/November $3,282.85; KorManagement Services, drug testing $124.55; Menards, janitor supply $44.22, ag shop supply $39.93; Mid-Dakota Technologies, November tech support $140.00; Petty Cash, postage $19.60; Running’s Supply, ag supply $45.85; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $255.70; Sportboardz, updates on stats board $27.00; USI Education, elementary supply $185.80, middle school supply $90.42, high school supply $90.42; Varsity Spirit Fashions, four cheer outfits $956.13; VISA, air card $120.03.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier rent $866.41; McGraw-Hill School Education, chemistry book $108.92; Mettler Sichmeller Engineering, professional electrical/mechanical engineering gym air conditioning project $9,120.00.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Behavior Care Specialists, November tuition services 6,242.00; Service Mileage, $336.00;
[IMPREST FUND: Collective Goods/Books are Fun, Special Education supply $14.00; James Valley Education Coop, psych services $1,800.00, PT service $2,400.00, OT service $3,240.00, admission service $3,960.00; Speech mileage $94.08.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Card Services, food $154.29, supply $15.15; Darrington Water, SS tank $24.00; Dean Foods, milk $566.84; Earthgrains Baking, bread $121.92; Reinhart Foodservice, food $3,599.10, supply $129.56.
Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:
• Girl’s and Boy’s Basketball is underway. The first contests were on December 9th;
• Attended state-wide superintendent’s meeting in Oacoma on December 6th to discuss potential legislative session initiatives to back for this year. (Proposed zero percent increase to the state budget for education);
• The Christmas concert was held on December 6th. The students performed well and their leaders, Ms. Bratcher and Mrs. Easton, should be commended on a great performance. Also, we would like to thank Joyce Everhart for serving the juice and cookies, as well as the Artesian CIA for helping to get Santa here;
• Semester Tests are scheduled for December 19th and 20th; and
• Christmas break begins on December 21st with an 11:00 a.m. dismissal and goes through January 3rd.
Mrs. Vermeulen reported on:
• Basketball games will begin December 9th at SBA;
• Fifth/sixth grade girls will scrimmage at the Sioux Falls Arena on Friday, December 8th during an Augustana University game;
• Grades fifth through eighth participated in Declaim on November 21st; End of the second quarter is December 21st; The Sanborn Central concert was held on December 5th and was well attended;
• A science curriculum review will begin in January 2018. Grades pre-K through fifth will participate;
• The middle school and high school have already adopted new materials;
• Marla Feistner visited Sanborn Central and completed screenings in grades Kindergarten, first, third, fifth, seventh, eighth and 10th; and
• Christmas Dinner is December 15th.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Motion by Adams, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve the updated District Wellness Policy. Connie Vermeulen presented the WellSAT 2.0 assessment results. She also presented the current Sanborn Central Wellness Policy for review and possible revisions. The district policy is located on the Sanborn Central website as well as the WellSAT 2.0 for public review.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the retirement of Rich Danek, high school math teacher, and Candace Danek, high school ELA teacher, effective at the end of the 2017/2018 school year. With gratitude for years of service Rich Danek (41 years with the district) and Candace Danek (13 years with the district and 42 overall in education), thanking them for their dedication to the profession, and in particular, Mr. Danek for his career-long dedication to the districts of Artesian, Artesian-Letcher, and Sanborn Central. They will be missed.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the transfer of $91,017.66 from the Capital Outlay fund to the General fund. Transfer 45 percent of current year’s taxes allowed under SDCL 13-16-6.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve cashing out SPED CD #8344 in the amount of $100,000.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve an executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) to discuss personnel matter at 7:46 p.m. Regular session resumed at 8:15 p.m.
Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, January 8, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Troy Olson
Board Chair

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