The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, November 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central middle school computer lab with the following present: Curtis Adams, Clayton Dean, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring. Others present were Superintendent Justin Siemsen, Elementary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen and Business Manager Gayle Bechen. Absent was Justin Enfield.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Visitors to Board Meeting: None.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Klaas, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting October 11, 2021, as printed.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills.
General Fund balance, October 1, 2021: $518,934.88. Receipts: taxes $41,570.62, penalties/interest $77.04, interest $40.95, other-pupil $38.10, other $25,700.26, state fines $1,089.96, state aid (September/October) $131,166.00, admission $1,842.36, annual $200.00, revenue in lieu of taxes $263.67. Expenditures: $267,113.77, manual journal entry $12.50. Balance, October 31, 2021: $453,797.57. CorTrust Savings balance, October 1, 2021: $50,484.24. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, October 31, 2021: $50,484.24.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, October 1, 2021: $627,132.48. Receipts: taxes $3,232.97, penalties/interest $2.90, interest $54.16. Expenditures: $24,522.68. Balance, October 31, 2021: $605,899.83. CD $50,000.00.
Special Education Fund balance, October 1, 2021: $410,499.72. Receipts: taxes $9,714.41, penalties/interest $8.73, interest $35.66. Expenditures: $18,965.09, manual journal entry $12.50. Balance, October 31, 2021: $401,280.93.
Food Service Fund balance, October 1, 2021: $19,183.38. Receipts: interest $1.32, adult meals $515.50, ala carte $4,203.60, federal reimbursement $15,320.18, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program reimbursement $699.00. Expenditures: $22,217.46. Balance, October 31, 2021: $17,705.52.
Enterprise Fund balance, October 1, 2021: $2,445.87. Receipts: interest $0.00, preschool tuition $1,670.00. Expenditures: $4,111.85. Balance, October 31, 2021: $4.02.
Custodial Funds balance, October 1, 2021: $62,562.28. Receipts: $5,646.22. Expenditures: $4,791.71. Balance, October 31, 2021: $63,416.79.
Scholarship Fund balance, October 1, 2021: $8,721.73. Receipts: interest $0.34. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, October 31, 2021: $8,722.07. Peters Scholarship balance: $8,722.07; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Salaries and benefits for the month of November, 2021 were as follows:
General Fund: $162,498.67;
Special Education: $19,356.61;
Food Service: $8,886.53;
Enterprise Fund: $4,180.27.
Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A&B Business Solutions, copy cost overage $444.61; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $34.45; Capital One, student quarter gift cards $75.88; CarQuest Auto Parts, bus supply $207.86; Central Electric, October electricity $2,934.37, check football lights $95.00; Chesterman Co., pop $91.96; Cole Paper Inc., rider scrubber $6,906.00, janitor supply $979.83; CorTrust, all state chorus gas $124.57, language standards $174.00, office supply $20.79, chorus song books $42.28; Dawson Construction, October-December garbage fee $1,014.63; Farmers Elevator, janitor supply $30.15;
[IMPREST: Baker’s Design, all state chorus flowers $47.00; Brookings Speech and Debate, oral interp registration $114.00; Capital One, elementary supply $42.51, middle school supply $42.50, high school supply $98.04, business manager supply $17.97; CBH Conference, oral interp fee $98.00; Dakota State University, oral interp fee $112.00; Craig Fonder, volleyball referee $90.00; Hanson School District, about 2021-22 dues $75.00; Carrie Howard, (2) junior varsity volleyball clock $30.00, (2) varsity volleyball clock $60.00; Sarah Jensen, (2) volleyball book $60.00; Tim Nihart, volleyball referee/mileage $113.10; Region V Music, junior high festival $50.00, high school festival $60.00; Sanborn Central School, all state chorus meal money $543.00; SDSU, all state choral prep day $60.00; Tryce Slykhuis, (2) fifth/sixth basketball referee $60.00; Gloria Vavra, volleyball referee/mileage $111.00; Kristen Williams, volleyball referee $90.00];
Jostens, 2021-22 yearbook initial payment $1,368.00; K&D Busing, half of payment lease $2,278.74, football bus Rapid City $1,825.00; Mid-Dakota Technologies, October tech support $160.00; Petty Cash, postage $51.12; Popplers Music, chorus music $275.99; Premier Equipment, lawn mower supply $123.59; Public Health Laboratory, water test $15.00; Quill Supply, business manager ink $216.52, library ink $216.51; Reinhart Foodservice, janitor supply $69.54; Runnings, janitor supply $34.78; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $108.90, office renewal $43.67; Santel Communications, phone $231.23; South Dakota High School Activities Association, chorus music $5.00; SFM, additional workcomp $1,698.24; TC Enterprises, prof service $231.08; Uline, co-curricular supply $54.00, lanyards $60.26; Todd Welch, ag shop supply $51.90.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $970.03; Floor to Ceiling, tile elementary/preschool bathrooms, carpet band, reception area/hall, conference room, workroom, and guidance room $21,742.84; K-Log, folding chairs/dolly $5,945.26; Mackin Educational Resources, library books $516.29; Oliver & Andy’s Book Co., library books $608.85; Savvas Learning Co., elementary literature series $2,210.89, colony literature series $2,210.88; Uline, stools for crows nest $1,783.30.
[IMPREST FUND: Capital One, special education ink $86.91, speech ink $28.89];
Petty cash, postage $5.12; mileage $18.48; SFM, additional workcomp $70.76; Sonova, two roger x/touch screen $2,526.99.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Arctic Refrigeration, two door cooler repair $185.07; Bimbo Bakeries, bread $102.24; Capital One, supply $18.96; Card Services, food $8.97; Child/Adult Nutrition Services, processed food $340.96; Cole Papers, supply $65.98, spoons/forks $435.27; Culinex, multi-purpose serving cart $5,678.03; Darrington Water Conditioning, October SS tank $24.00; East Side Jersey Dairy, milk $688.72;
[IMPREST FUND: Capital One, food $74.26, supply $164.65];
IS Restaurant Design Equipment, supply $540.47; Petty Cash, postage $1.76; Quill, supply ink $48.94, spoons $404.90; Reinhart, food $7,937.81, supply $856.13, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program $767.80; Runnings, supply $9.79, storage rack $18.58; Uline, supply $18.00; Woony Foods, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program $195.43, food $90.20.
Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:
• Congratulations to the Blackhawks Football, Volleyball, and Cross Country teams on their successful seasons.
• Oral Interp, FFA and Choir students have been competing successfully.
• Children’s Theater will commence on November 15th, with the final show being held on Saturday, November 20th at 6:30 p.m. (Per the theater company’s policy, the students will be required to mask during practice).
• A flu shot and COVID booster vaccination clinic was held at school for staff.
• The Board is working through the special education department review with state officials this month.
• Annual district audit will occur on November 15th.
• A couple meetings will be had with superintendents and legislators scheduled in the coming weeks to discuss the legislative sessions occurring in February.
• Veteran’s Day program will be held on Thursday, November 11th.
• No School on November 12th, in observance of Veteran’s Day and November 24th – 26th in observance of Thanksgiving.
• Introductory meetings were held with World Classrooms in planning for the 2023 trip to Washington D.C. (eight prospective travelers so far).
Mrs. Vermeulen reported:
• Native American Day was observed at Sanborn Central. Harlee Claymore, preschool paraprofessional, read Native American books to some students. She also modeled Native American clothing for the students.
• Free college application week was observed. Staff were invited to decorate their doors with their college alumni colors.
• Oral Interp gained success at the District level. A total of five students will be advancing to the Regional level.
• Children’s Theater auditions will be held on Monday, November 15. The performance will be held on November 20 at 6:30 p.m. The Booster Club so generously is paying for the hotel rooms for the actor and actress.
• A Veteran’s Day program will be held on November 11 at 9:00 a.m. in the gym. The program will be organized by the high school student council.
• Grades fourth through sixth will participate in Declaim on Tuesday, November 23.
• Toby Russell, Mitchell Police Department, will present a computer safety program on November 23 for grades sixth through 12th.
• American Education Week: November 14-20.
• National School Lunch Week was observed in the lunch room. The cooks did a great job and facilitated some fun activities for the elementary students. Music, movies and contests were integrated.
Discussion Items:
• The Board is continuing to explore options to maintain the boiler system of the school. It is the hope that the district can stay ahead of any potential problems to avoid an adverse situation.
• The Board would like to thank the SC Sonshine Club for providing a meat and cheese tray for them in observance of American Education Week.
• Justin Enfield made contact with the turf specialist at SDSU to have them give an assessment and potential plans to help address the issues with the football field. They came and gave some early insight and will develop a set of recommendations for consideration going forward.
Old Business: No new bids for the recoating of the school building roof were submitted.
Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to accept the MJ Dalsin bid submission for recoating of the school building roof contingent on clarification of and answers to a few questions posed by the board, and was approved. (The district is submitting this to the Esser III federal grant.)
Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, December 13, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sanborn Central School in the middle school computer lab.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Clayton Dean
Board Chair