Sanborn County Shooting Sports have outstanding year

Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports recorded an outstanding year in 2022, with 22 new shooters, numerous county records set, and 50 shooters qualifying for the State Shoot in 121 events.  

The Shooting Sports program offers multiple disciplines in guns and archery.  The gun disciplines include BB Gun (BB), Air Pistol (AP), Air Rifle (AR), .22 CMP Rifle (22CMP), .22 3-Position Rifle (22-3P), and .22 Pistol (22P).  Archery disciplines include Compound Bow Without Sights (CWOS), Compound Without Sights with Release (CWOS-R), Compound With Sights (CWS), Compound With Sights with Release (CWS-R), Recurve Bow With Sights (RWS), Recurve Without Sights (RWOS), and Compound Open (C-Open).

In many of the disciplines there are different requirements, positions and/or shooting distances depending on the age level. 

Following are this year’s state-qualifying participants and their disciplines: 

Beginner participants, ages 8-10, were Paige Anderson – BB, AP, CWOS; George Broer – BB, AP; Wyatt Ettswold – BB, AP, CWS-R, CWOS-R; Camdyn Fink – BB, AP; Levi Hinker – BB, AP, AR; Anna Hunter – AP; Kahle Johnson – BB, AP; Trevor Johnson – BB; Timothy Kelly – BB, AP; Addison Kilcoin – BB, AP; Ethan McGuire – BB; Carson Miller – BB; Ridley Miller – AP; Baylee Rostyne – BB, AP, CWS-R; Coletan Schlicht – BB; SJ Schlicht – BB, AP; Gavin Scofield – BB; Shiloh Terkildsen – CWS-R; Kelly Wilson – BB, CWS-R; Jackson Wolter – BB;

Junior participants, ages 11-13, included Alex Anderson – BB, AR; Ty Burkel – BB, AR; Tyson Eddy – CWOS; Parker Ettswold – BB, AP, CWS-R, C-Open; Waverley Hagman – CWS-R, CWOS-R; Samuel Hansen – BB, AP, AR; Sophie Kelly – BB; Riley Kneen – CWS-R, RWOS; Hayden Mees – CWS-R, C-Open; Tanse Moody – BB, AP, AR, CWS-R, CWS, RWS; Teagen Moody – AR; Shiloh Senska – AP, CWS-R, RWOS; Kyla Terkildsen – CWS-R; Cole Wilson – BB, CWS-R;

Senior participants, ages 14-18, were Devyn Brooks – BB, AR, 22-3P, CMP; Dilyn Brooks – BB, AR, 22-3P, CMP; Lane Burkel – BB, AP, AR; Carter Christian – CWS-R, CWS, CWOS-R, C-Open, CWOS, RWS, RWOS; Shania Cornelius – CWS-R; Eli Fry – BB, AP, AR, CWS-R; Westin Hagman – CWOS-R, CWS-R, C-Open; Whitney Hagman – CWS-R, CWOS, CWOS-R; Zachary Jones – AP, 22P; Caleb Kneen – CWS-R, RWOS, CWOS; Toby Kneen – CWS-R, RWOS, RWS; Avery Miller – BB; Dana Schelske – AP, AR, 22-3P, 22P, 22CMP; Alex Schelske – BB, AP, AR, 22-3P, 22P, 22CMP; Adalyn Tucker – CWS; and Payton Uecker – BB, AR.

Also participating in Shooting Sports this year were Paul Hansen, Mary Catherine Hansen, Brody Uecker, Colton Nelson, Tyanne Eddy, Norris Peterson, Garret Goral, Elsie Klaas, Yael Martinez, Masie O’Day, Mason O’Day, and Micah O’Day.

County Shoot placings were decided over the county match shoots from January through April. The top scores from the match shoots were used to determine the first, second and third place finishes for the county level. State Shoot was held April 23-25 in Ft. Pierre/Pierre.

Results from all events and the new records set will be published in the next couple of weeks.

…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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