Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 7:04 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Clayton Dean, Emma Klaas, Mark Goral, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present were Superintendent Justin Siemsen, Elementary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen, Business Manager Gayle Bechen, and Corey Flatten. Curtis Adams arrived at 7:25 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to Board Meeting: David Steele and Caleb Kneen on improving the weight room and requesting funding for equipment purchases.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the agenda as amended. Amend 108 Approve the declaration and removal of surplus electronic devices; should read Approve the declaration and removal of surplus electronic devices and food service refrigerator (no longer useful); Add: 111 Approve the contract of Megan Wilson as Middle School volleyball coach; 112 Approve the contract of Nicole Bies as third grade teacher; 113 Approve purchase of weight room equipment PowerPack Pro and medicine balls; and 114 Approve adjournment.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the minutes of the special board meeting May 9, 2023, and regular board meeting May 9, 2023, as printed.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the bills and Financial Statement.    

General Fund balance, May 1, 2023: $720,551.14. Receipts: taxes $477,194.31, penalties/interest $51.15, interest $547.10, other pupil $16.31, other $99.75, yearbook $1,107.00, state fines $846.97, state aid May $71,874.00. Expenditures: $201,084.66, manual journal entry/voided check $954.60. Balance, May 31, 2023: $1,070,248.47. CorTrust Savings balance, May 1, 2023: $50,650.07. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, May 31, 2023: $50,650.07. CD $150,000.00.

Capital Outlay Fund balance, May 1, 2023: $562,654.97. Receipts: taxes $68,562.93, penalties/interest $2.13, interest $312.63. Expenditures: $8,211.83. Balance, May 31, 2023: $623,320.83. CD $150,000.00.

Special Education Fund balance, May 1, 2023: $451,492.15. Receipts: taxes $68,745.54, penalties/interest $3.90, interest $245.64. Expenditures: $36,755.36, manual journal entry $198.38. Balance, May 31, 2023: $483,533.49. 

Food Service Fund balance, May 1, 2023: $24,796.06. Receipts: interest $11.17, student meals $4,523.19, adult meals $542.23, ala carte $4,149.21, federal reimbursement $5,297.56, miscellaneous revenue $33.31. Expenditures: $13,758.68. Balance, May 31, 2023: $25,594.05.

Enterprise Fund balance, May 1, 2023: $5,074.80. Receipts: tuition $500.00, manual journal entry/voided check $454.68. Expenditures: $4,962.80. Balance, May 31, 2023: $1,066.68.

Custodial Funds balance, May 1, 2023: $66,264.39. Receipts: $1,996.03. Expenditures: $7,809.09. Balance, May 31, 2023: $60,451.33.

Scholarship Fund balance, May 1, 2023: $9,493.32. Receipts: interest $2.05. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, May 31, 2023: $9,495.37. Peters Scholarship balance: $8,745.37; Nelson Scholarship balance: $750.00.

Salaries and benefits for the month of June 2023 were as follows: General Fund: $166,066.80; Special Education: $19,428.22; Food Service: $9,574.77; Enterprise Fund: $5,697.61.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $36.25; Athletic Performance Solutions, 2022 recoat gym floor $2,600.00; Gayle Bechen, reimburse business office supply $14.44;  Brooks Oil Co., unleaded gas $4,836.90, diesel $4,480.11; Central Electric, May electricity $2,234.77; Chesterman, pop $15.86; Cole Paper Inc., janitor supply $1,548.12; CorTrust, air cards $90.00, tech conference room $248.15, administrative assistant supply $51.56; County Fair, staff rolls $59.97; Dawson Construction, garbage service April-June $1,023.63; Direct Digital Control, hvac prof service $3,562.50; Susan Farrell-Poncelet, teacher mentor mileage/room $282.10; Hohn Services, carpet cleaning $3,164.00; 

[IMPREST FUND: Bridgewater/Emery School, junior high track fee $125.00; CorTrust, board food $132.99; Freeman High School, high school track fee $180.00; Hanson School District, high school track fee $200.00, Region 5A track meet loss $118.81; Nepstads Flowers & Gifts, middle school graduation flowers $56.00; Paragon Ridge Perkins Consortium, administrative fee $225.00; Parkston High School, high school track fee $100.00; Sanborn Central School, state track meals $780.00]; 

Josten’s Inc., high school diploma covers $244.95, middle school diplomas/covers $145.55; K&D Busing, track and golf shared busing $1,230.03; Menards, janitor supply $164.79; Mid-Dakota Technologies, May tech support $170.00; Mitchell School District, contract buyout – Flatten $500.00; Nationwide, crime bond $108.00, public official bond $175.00; Performance Foodservice,  janitor supply $624.00; Popplers Music, all state chorus music $119.78; Public Health Laboratory, water test $15.00; Quill Corp., business office supply $21.81, middle school ink $433.11, fax ink $19.99; Ramkota Hotel, state track rooms $868.00, PBIS retreat rooms $392.00; Sanborn Central Food Service, lunch supervision May meals $23.65, ala carte $24.00; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $111.83, library renewal $44.20; Santel Communications, phone/fax $227.04; SFM, workmans compensation $10,055.04; Sherwin Williams, paint $474.06; Justin Siemsen, reimburse graduation supply $43.93; Sun Gold Sports, medals $1,165.25; Ashly Uecker, elementary supply $131.76; Vantek Communications, FCC licensing renewal fee $100.00; Todd Welch, mentor mileage/rooms $225.75; Woonsocket School, shared services $85,532.19; Hannah Ziebarth, mentor mileage $100.88. 

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business Solutions, copier lease $1,011.83; Central Electric, mini split weight room $4,591.85; Menards, endurance floor weight room $2,239.06. 

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Children’s Home Society, March tuition 2,835.58, May tuition $2,835.58; Kelly McClane, conference meal $31.91; Paula Sanderson, conference meal/room $195.61; SFM, workmans compensation $418.96. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Bimbo Bakeries, bread $36.00; Darrington Water Conditioning, May SS tank $28.00; Eastside Jersey Dairy, milk $381.79;

[IMPREST FUND: CorTrust, supply $260.43, serv safe test $187.06]; 

Performance Foods, food $712.87, supply $(31.35); Quill, ink $59.13; Water Walkers, menu planning software – one month $464.68.


Motion by Klaas, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve supplemental budget resolution #1 to 2022-2023 budget. General Fund: REAP class size reduction salary $435.00; REAP class size reduction benefit $956.00; Title I middle school salary $1,072.00; Title I elementary salary $4,791.00; Title I middle school benefit $279.70; Title I elementary benefit $2,517.30; curricular development professional service ESSER III $41,360.00; tech shared other ed $1,740.00; tech coord travel $460.00; high school principal comp absence $370.00; high school principal supply $490.00; elementary/middle school principal administrative salary $5,220.00; boys basketball shared service $430.00; district wide travel salary $730.00; district wide travel bus service $1,480.00; co-curricular dues/fees $250.00. Means of Finance General Fund surplus cash: $62,581.00. Capital Outlay Fund: library computer license fee $740.00, media $4,670.00; superintendent administrative software fee $3,490.00; co-curricular desk, table, chairs $900.00. Means of Finance Capital Outlay surplus cash: $9,800.00. Special Education Fund: IDEA 611 speech salary $521.64; IDEA 611 speech benefit $163.32. Means of Finance Special Education Fund surplus cash: $684.96. Food Service Fund: salary $7,400.00, substitutes $2,500.00, benefits $4,700.00, administrative software $4,500.00. Means of Finance Food Service surplus cash $19,100.00. Enterprise Fund: preschool substitute $1,200.00, preschool compensation absence $1,200.00, preschool oasi $200.00, preschool registration fee $200.00, preschool supply $200.00. Means of Finance Enterprise surplus cash $3,000.00.

Mr. Siemsen reported on the following: 

• Additional roof repairs are expected to be done soon. 

• All the end of school year items have been finished up. 

• Waxing of the floors and other cleaning has been going well. 

• Summer sports activities (open gyms and camps) are in full swing.

• An all staff assembly was scheduled for August 15. Terry Nebelsick will present a session on Student-Centered Learning.

• The staff is implementing a new behavior reinforcement method: PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports). Mrs. Vermeulen will discuss this; it was initiated by Ms. Amundson. 

• New water fountains will be installed before June 30 (planning). 

• Also presented was the board information on technology additions for the upcoming year in the form of a new server, upgrade to the wireless system and laptops for the high school students to better suit their academic needs. 

Mrs. Vermeulen reported the following: 

• On June 5th and 6th, a team of educators (Mrs. Wilson, Miss Amundson, Mr. Flatten, Miss Larson, Mrs. Olson-VanWinkle, Miss Bies, and Mrs. Vermeulen) attended a training regarding PBIS in Sioux Falls. Miss Amundson suggested using this program to Administration this past year. She arranged for a speaker to introduce the program to the staff this past spring. The staff decided to implement this program in the upcoming school year. Miss Amundson applied for a grant to ensure implementation would be possible. The team listed above will attend additional training on August 2. The staff will receive further training on August 14. 

• Vermeulen attended the South Dakota Elementary/Secondary Principal Conference in Deadwood on June 12 and 13. There was great networking with fellow administrators. 

• Mrs. Olson-VanWinkle will be teaching sixth and seventh grade science next year, and Mrs. Leah Olson will instruct the eighth grade students. Mr. Olsen will teach keyboarding to grades third through eighth, one semester each. 

• Mr. Steele received a grant from the Booster Club for some new equipment in the weight room. A group of high school boys created a powerpoint presentation to provide rationale of why the equipment was being requested.

Discussion Items:

• President Clayton Dean, Mark Goral and Mr. Flatten provided the rest of those in attendance with a report regarding progress on the football field project. They met with Ed Hoffman and Mebius Nursery to detail the plan for bringing in black dirt, installing the underground sprinkler system, planting grass seed, and potential upgrades to the sound system. The work on the project will begin the last week of June. 

• The board also discussed attending the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Joint Convention in Sioux Falls on August 3-5. 

• Last, Mr. Flatten will reach out to DDC to obtain a new quote for a potential service contract, as opposed to continuing to pay bills as they happen.  

Old Business:

Board reviewed the 2023-2024 preliminary district budget. Projected changes to salaries, benefits and expenditures.

New Business:

Motion by Adams, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the contract of Corey Flatten as Superintendent/High School Principal for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Motion by Goral, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the hiring of Jennifer Karlen as Band Teacher (shared with Woonsocket) for the 2023-2024 school year.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the contract of Megan Wilson as summer painter and Brooke Easton as summer janitor for the summer of 2023.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the contract of Nancy Wonner as paraprofessional for the 2023-2024 school year.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the contract of Kelsey Kaiser as night-time janitor and Bus Driver for the 2023-2024 school year. District will cover the CDL certification test.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the 2023-2024 parent/student handbook as amended, with any future changes to be discussed.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the payment of $500.00 for the buyout of contract from Mitchell School District for Corey Flatten. 

Motion by Goral, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the transfer of funds from Capital Outlay to the General Fund in the amount of $45,000.00.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the transfer of funds from General Fund to the Enterprise Fund in the amount of $3,000.00.

No action taken on the transfer of funds from General Fund to Food Service. The transfer is not needed.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the declaration and removal of surplus electronic devices and food service refrigerator.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the contract with Mid-Dakota Technologies at a rate of $2,100.00 for the 2023-2024 school year.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the purchase of two CD’s $50,000 capital outlay and $50,000.00 general fund when deemed appropriate, based on rate levels from Plains Commerce Bank.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the contract of Megan Wilson as Middle School Volleyball coach for the 2023-2024 school year.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Goral, all aye, to approve the contract of Nicole Bies as Elementary Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.

Motion by Goral, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve funding the power pack pro weight machine and set of medicine balls for the weight room.

The next regular Board meeting to be held on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Library.

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Goral, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

Published once on July 7, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $148.50 and may be viewed free of charge at


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