Seven Sanborn County 4-Hers braved 110 plus degree days at the SD State 4-H Horse Show held this year on July 24-26 in Fort Pierre at the Stanley County Fairgrounds. Events ranged from youth in action, performance to speed events. These 4-Hers had a very successful show with the following results:
Beginner Henry Feistner – horsemanship, red; trail, white;
Junior Emmitt Feistner – horsemanship, white; reining, blue (fourth overall); ranch riding, blue; trail, white;
Cain Zoss – hippology individual, ninth overall; hippology Sanborn, Brule and Tripp team, second overall; horse judging, 10th overall individual;
Senior Cannon Zoss – hippology, 13th individual overall; hippology Sanborn, Turner, Hughes/Stanley, Spink, fifth team overall; Horse Judging, 14th individual overall;
Hope Baysinger and Bailey Feistner – first place senior team demonstration – national competition qualifier;
Delaney Zoss – first place senior demonstration individual – national competition qualifier;
Senior horse judging – Sanborn/Jerauld took first team overall; Delaney Zoss, second place individual; Bailey Feistner, third; Alexis Roesler, sixth; and Hope Baysinger, 10th;
Senior hippology – Sanborn/Jerauld took second team overall; Delaney Zoss, sixth place individual; Abigail Kolousek, seventh; Bailey Feistner, eighth; Hope Baysinger, 11th place.;
Bailey Feistner – Grand Champion ranch riding, purple; reserve champion equitation over fences, blue; hunt seat equitation, blue (third overall); fourth reining, purple; western horsemanship, blue; trail, blue; English showmanship, red; western showmanship, white; senior premier exhibitor award honorable mention;
Delaney Zoss – fourth place English showmanship, blue; reserve champion reining, purple; horsemanship, red; trail, white, western showmanship, blue; Delaney also received the buckle for grand champion senior exhibitor.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!