Sanborn County 4-Hers were offered a chance to attend a Poster Workshop last Friday, June 2, at the 4-H Building in Forestburg. Under the direction of Karen Lambert, they learned what colors work best together and how to present their topic in a great display. Participants then had to choose a theme for their poster and spent time researching the topic on the computer. Once they narrowed down the subject matter and theme, the 4-Her could then begin designing and assembling the poster.
An added bonus for the group was having Teresa Fonder, 4-H Administrative Assistant from Jerauld County, on hand with a cricut to cut out items used on the poster. It was a great experience to learn how the cricut worked and to get awesome cut-outs to use. Themes from the Poster Workshop included Catfish, Katahdin Sheep, Welding, Betta Fish, Silkie Chicken, John Deere and Beef By-Projects. It was a great day to complete several posters for the upcoming Achievement Days in August.
…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!