Sanborn County 4-H recently held their annual 4-H Special Foods Contest on Wednesday, July 7, at the 4-H building in Forestburg. Five 4-Hers spent the afternoon showcasing their culinary talents. Judging the contest this year were Margo Edwards and Paula Linke.
This unique contest gives the youth a chance to prepare a recipe from any of the five food groups. One requirement is that three ingredients must be measured during the contest in front of the judge. Often times, first time participants will choose something simple such as a smoothie. Youth are allowed a total of 90 minutes to prepare the recipe, complete a place setting and interview with the nutrition judge.
Receiving purple ribbons for their special dishes were:
• Sury Bechen – Fruit Kabobs with Yogurt Dip;
• Victoria Hoffman – Tortilla Beef Casserole;
• Addison Kilcoin – Fruit Slush;
• Baylee Rostyne – Fruit Salad;
• Gavin Scofield – Tropical Smoothie.
…See recipes and pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!