The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Feb. 6, 2021, at the Woonsocket Community Center.
Prior to the meeting, club members prepared Valentine cards to send to their elderly friends.
The meeting was called to order by Co-Vice President Dilyn Brooks. The flag pledge was led by Baylee Rostyne, and the 4-H pledge was led by Samuel Hansen.
Roll call was led by Co-Vice President Emily Ohlrogge with the topic, “Favorite Valentine’s Candy” which was answered by 24 members and guests.
The secretary’s report was read by Hope Baysinger and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Co-Treasurer Mary Catherine Hansen and approved as presented.
A health and safety report was given by Health and Safety Officer Ty Burkel on the importance of brushing your teeth.
Reports were given by Devyn Brooks and Alex Anderson on Shooting Sports, Lane Burkel and Trevor Johnson on the Nursing Home Caring Project, Kolby Lindsey and Carson Miller on the Sledding Fun Day, Mary Catherine Hansen on the Modern Woodmen Food Pantry project and Avery Miller on the Black Hills Stock Show.
The club discussed needing to get a project day scheduled in March. Ideas included making t-shirts or kitchen towels with vinyl graphics like they did with the potholders and a dried flower project.
The group discussed their plan to serve ice cream for the community play on Feb. 11. It was decided to donate the funds raised to the Community Center Stage Curtains project.
Another Fun Day needs to be scheduled with options including Air Madness and ice bumper cars.
Achievement Days have been scheduled for Aug. 5-7.
Fruit Sales begin this week and continue through the end of February. Fruit will be delivered on March 27.
Members discussed participating in the Statewide Community Service Project. An estimated 123 million people globally experience uncorrected refractive errors (URE) in both far and near sightedness (World Health Organization, 2020). These errors can be corrected with the use of eyeglasses. The state goal is to donate 2,020 pairs of glasses statewide by the completion of the project. Lane Burkel and Baylee Rostyne were appointed to a committee to set up drop off points for the glasses.
Members were told about the Project Incentive program. For every project completed by April 30, members may be entered in a drawing for cash prizes.
Club members talked about the State Fair DEX project to replace the Open Class Beef Barn, and also discussed plans for the State Fair project areas.
Community service project options include assisting the American Legion with a Flag Burning ceremony and the Memorial Day program. There will be further discussion at the next meeting.
A snack was served by the Linke and Hansen families.
Following the meeting, Dilyn Brooks presented an illustrated talk about poultry breeds. After the talk, 4-H members completed a poultry breed ID quiz. Hope Baysinger gave an illustrated talk on the benefits of riding horses. Samuel Hansen did an illustrated talk on making knives by recycling old materials.
Character Officer Hope Baysinger presented a character activity. Each student had a small packet of salt that they dumped out on a napkin. Then they were directed to put all of the contents back into the packet. She explained that just as the contents are hard to put back in the packet, words are hard to take back once they are said too.
Co-Recreation Officer Avery Miller led club members in a fun game of Duck, Duck, Goose.
The next 4-H meeting will be in March.
…See photos in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.