Feeding South Dakota and the Sanborn County Food Pantry want to inform Sanborn County residents that the Food Giveaway will be held at the Sanborn County Courthouse parking lot on Wednesday, June 3, at 5 p.m. (until gone). A drive-in format will be utilized. Recipients are asked to open their trunk to receive a prefilled box of food. There is no entry to the Food Giveaway before 4:45 p.m.
The Food Giveaway provides free food to families in need. The free food includes assorted frozen and fresh produce, frozen meats, assorted breads and assorted canned and boxed items.
In addition to the standard food box, this month, each recipient will receive a 21-pound Farm to Families produce box that will contain seven varieties. Each box will have potatoes, apples, onions, carrots, and celery and then a seventh item of either pears, cabbage, lettuce, or cucumbers.
The Food Giveaway will not be held in the hot months of July and August but will return on Sept. 2.
Feeding South Dakota is a statewide organization with locations in Pierre, Rapid City and Sioux Falls. Their mission is to eliminate hunger in South Dakota. For more information or to donate to support food giveaways, please visit feedingsouthdakota.org.