Tater Moody and Cayden Slykhuis teamed up as champions in the team roping competition on Sunday at the Heartland 4-H Rodeo in Huron.
Sanborn County was represented well at the Heartland 4-H Rodeo in Huron this past weekend. Several kids placed in their events, and some in more than one. The top three places in each event advanced to the State 4-H Rodeo to be held in Ft. Pierre.
On Saturday, Trey Moody earned a second-place finish in the flag race, a third-place finish in breakaway and a fourth-place finish in goat tying. Mason Moody and his team roping partner earned second place in team roping.
On Sunday, Cayden Slykhuis and Tater Moody won the championship in the team roping competition. Tanner Christian earned third place in the junior boys cattle riding competition, and Teya Moody placed sixth in barrell racing.
Aubrey Moody had a good weekend placing in multiple events. Layton and Landree Zoss and Hudson and Ramsey Fouberg all competed and had some good runs.
Delaney Zoss was crowned Heartland Jr. Ambassador for the entire event. Bailey Feistner and Avery Miller both also competed in the Ambassador contest, as well.
Mason Moody not only competed in the rodeo; he also provided the bulls for the bull riding competition. He was not able to compete in the bull riding, yet, but plans to as the season progresses.
…See a photo of Delaney Zoss in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal as well.