After her family spent Saturday celebrating the high school graduation of her brother and cousin, Teya Moody traveled to Rapid City to compete in the Prospector Challenge 2. This particular competition was a big barrel racing jackpot that included 377 competitors and Moody finished in 15th place with some great runs.
Teya is not the only member of her family with some rodeo success already this summer. Over Memorial Day weekend, her younger brother, Trey, placed fourth in the breakaway competition at the State Junior High Rodeo Finals in Rapid City. Normally, he would advance to the National Junior High Rodeo Finals with that placing, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National competition has been cancelled for this year.
Teya and Trey’s older brother, Tater, and cousin, Cayden Slykhuis have also been competing this year. They compete in the team roping category. All the kids are competing in jackpots right now because rodeos have been either postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic. Teya’s next competition is a couple jackpots this coming weekend, and Trey will get to make a showcase run in Pierre during the State High School rodeo finals at the end of June.
…See a photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!