By Mary Luckett, secretary
The Letcher Legion Auxiliary met on Monday, Nov. 12 at 8 p.m. in the community center. President Sandi Ruml conducted the meeting. The opening prayer was read by Kathy Northrup. Members present were: Edith Moe, Lois Clarambeau, Shirley Ruml, Sally Olson, Kathy Northrup and Sandi Ruml. Discussion was held about Santa’s visit on Saturday, Dec. 15 from 10 a.m. until noon. Santa’s treat sacks for the children will be filled by the seniors before their card party starts one day. Turkey bingo will be held Saturday evening, Dec. 15. Starting at 6:30 p.m. A supper of barbecues and pie of your choice will be served. Bingo will follow the meal at 8 p.m. Edith Moe made a motion, seconded by Sally Olson, to raise the price of the remaining pies to be sold to $5. Motion carried. Teacher appreciation was discussed. Sandi Ruml and Sara Adams will attend to that. The December meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with a members potluck supper. Games and a gift exchange will follow. Kathy Northrup made Christmas stockings for veterans. Shirley Ruml will fill them at home, then take them to Kay Thomas in Mitchell. She will deliver them to the Veterans Hospital in Sioux Falls. There was a motion made by Edith Moe, seconded by Lois Clarambeau, to change the December, January and February meeting times to 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. Motion carried. The meeting closed with the ladies singing “Happy Birthday” to the Ladies Legion Auxiliary. Sally Olson served lunch.