The Town ‘n Kountry Kids Blue Group met on Oct. 20 at the Letcher Community Center.
The meeting was called to order by president Riley Zoss. The pledges were led by April Farmer and Meghan Chada. Roll call topic was “The best Halloween costume is…?”
Committee reports were the grandparent letters and National 4-H week.
Old business included: Record books were due, Dig Pink Quilt, Writing thank you letters and the Halloween Party.

The new officers listed from left to right: April Farmer, Meghan Chada, Jenna Skinner, Bailey Moody and Haley Degen.
New business: American Education week; Fire Safety; Recognition event scheduled for Nov. 10; Holiday events; vendor fair on Dec. 7.
New officers were also elected as follows: President Jenna Skinner, Vice President Haley Degen, Secretary Meghan Chada, and Reporter April Farmer. The next meeting will be Nov. 24 at the Letcher Community Center.
Brady Larson gave a demonstration in the recycling area on Halloween Fun with Milk Jugs. Cloverbuds, members and parents participated in horticulture judging. Several different kinds of squash were identified and discussed.