Hannah Terkildsen demonstrates how to make “Oobleck,” a unique slime that has characteristics of both solids and liquids.
The Town ‘n Kountry Kids 4-H Club Red Crew met on Sept. 14 in the Woonsocket Community Center.
The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Linke with six members present. The Flag Pledge was led by Shaun Snedeker and the 4-H pledge was led by Spens Schlicht.
Members talked about Achievement Days and what improvements could be implemented to make next year better, such as moving to a two day event.
Potential plans for celebrating 4-H week were discussed.
Riley Schmiedt presented an illustrated talk on “Hunter Safety”. Members worked on record books and award applications.

Matt Terkildsen, assisted by his dad, Bill Terkildsen, demonstrates how to melt lead to make lead fishing weights.
The Town ‘n Kountry Kids 4-H Club Red Crew met on Sept. 15 in the Woonsocket Community Center.
The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Linke with seven members present. The flag pledge was led by Jared Goldammer and the 4-H pledge was led by Kaylee White.
Discussion was held on Achievement Days and State Fair and how to improve the events for next year. Plans were talked about for celebrating 4-H Week in October. Members were reminded that the club is setting barrels for Heartland Futurity at the end of October.
Hannah Terkildsen gave a demonstration on making “Oobleck” using water, cornstarch and food coloring. A demonstration on making a tornado in a bottle using water, dishsoap and glitter was given by Noah Terkildsen. Matt Terkildsen presented a demonstration on making lead fishing weights.
Members worked on record books and award applications.