GFP, citizens hope to explore options for Twin Lakes

Interested people asked to give contact information to set up meeting

Concerned local citizens have been visiting with Game, Fish and Parks officials recently about possible options to help remedy Twin Lakes’ fish winterkill problem and would like to begin a discussion with interested persons.
Anyone interested in the future of Twin Lakes is asked to contact Judy Brisbine at or at 796-4491, and she will forward a list of contacts to the Game, Fish and Parks.
Lott says the GFP would be happy to set up a meeting to discuss the feasibility of an aeration system or possible other actions, if there is enough interest in the community.
GFP Regional Fisheries Manager Todd St. Sauver and GFP Aquatic Resources Chief John Lott have been in contact with local residents and have both expressed concern over the fishkills at Twin Lakes.
Sauver writes, “Lake aeration is a potential tool; however, the equipment is expensive, the annual operating costs are high and they are not a guarantee against fish kills…. [and] GFP does not have the financial resources to install and operate aeration systems.”
He adds that the GFP will, however, “cooperate with any group who wishes to install and operate an aeration system in public waters by providing technical advice and facilitating the required permitting process.”
Lake aeration systems are used in other eastern South Dakota lakes with similar problems as Twin Lakes and are owned and operated by local sportsman’s groups and lake associations.
Sauver goes on to state that the wells, which were capped by mandate of state law in the late 1980s, probably only provided enough water each year to partially compensate for natural evaporation, so it is unclear whether or not they reduced winterkills.

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