News From Down Under

View From the Basement by Dee Baby

Basements have, in my mind, always held an element of creepiness. Growing up on the farm, our basement was concrete with a slightly uneven, heaved floor. No fond memories of it because it contained the wringer washing machine and we had to haul the dirty tubs of water up the stairs to dump outside.
Of course, then there are the dirt floor basements or cellars that always have a lingering hint of mold and mildew. Spiders and cobwebs are in their natural element. There you would also encounter the dreaded salamander. Believe me, I would rather face a tornado than sit in a cellar with the denizens of multiple legs. (Thanks, Dee, the SWJ staff learned a new word: denizens.)
Kent and Gay’s basement has given me a whole new perspective. They did it right when the house was built and allowed for multiple windows to let in the light. I have my own entrance on ground level and even a kitchen. I was adamant when I arrived that I would pay rent, but Gay came up with another solution. She preferred that I take over the cooking for the household. Finally, I am putting my recipe archives to use. (Although, I have to tone down the use of onions and spicy food.)
My first dilemma was adjusting myself to another woman’s kitchen. It’s like a game of hide and go seek. Before I finally find out where everything is located, I will no doubt wear out the hinges on the cupboard doors. One thing I did discover right away is Kent and brother David’s secret stash of mixed nuts and candy in the computer room. I imagine I would be overstepping my bounds if I padlocked it so Kent doesn’t ruin his appetite for supper.
The picture I’ve included is now my breakfast companion. I can see why clowns terrify many people, including my niece, Gena. This clown picture was one of a set that Heather bought to scare her sister. I love her sense of humor.
Anniversary wishes go out to Charlie and Myrna Knigge. I do believe it’s 55 years! Also, happy 90th birthday to Kenny Anderson! Glad to share a part in your day.
– Dee Baby

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, from Dee’s “breakfast companion.”

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, from Dee’s “breakfast companion.”

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