Letcher Legion Auxiliary meets

The Letcher American Legion Auxiliary met Monday, Oct. 10, at 8 p.m. President Sandi Ruml called the meeting to order. Amy Howard was acting secretary due to the absence of Kathy Northrup. Roll call was answered by four members. There were no previous minutes or treasurer reports.
President Ruml read a letter from District 6 President Linda Holmes. There will be a workshop in Wessington Springs on Oct. 29, at 1:30 p.m. for any members wishing to go. The members were reminded to get membership dues in and for all obligations to be paid. Mid-year reports are due by Nov. 15.
Old business was cancelling the membership lunch. It will be held in the spring.
New business was the Veterans Day potluck scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 13, at 6 p.m. for all veterans and their families. There also will be a pancake feed from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 13, sponsored by the Legion.
Sandi Ruml attended the District 6 Fall meeting in DeSmet on Sept. 30, and gave a report on that meeting. There was discussion on making prayer pillows for a veterans project. This was tabled until the next meeting. The Children’s and Youth Fundraiser was discussed. Teddy bear banks will be used to collect donations for the Child Welfare Foundation. The banks are to be sent to units soon.
The closing prayer was given by Chaplain Pat Nelson, and the meeting was adjourned by President Ruml.  Edith Moe served lunch, and the Legion members were invited to join the Auxiliary.
The next meeting will be Monday, Nov. 14, with Kathy Northrup as hostess.

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