THE PRESCHOOL class showed their American and Blackhawk pride with their very first homecoming float.
Sanborn Central and Woonsocket schools celebrated their homecoming last week with activities and sports throughout the week.
Last Monday evening, Sanborn Central held their coronation, where Garrett Dean and Myah Selland were crowned King and Queen. Tuesday, Woonsocket High School had their coronation, and Peyton Uttecht and Kyla Morgan were the crowned school’s first Knight and Princess by their peers.
The annual homecoming parade held Friday afternoon was a huge success with an abundance of Blackhawk spirit and creative floats. This is the first year the Sanborn Central Elementary students joined in with the Woonsocket Elementary floats, adding to the excitement for everyone involved.
The week was topped off with a big football win over Deubrook Friday night.
…See more pictures of the homecoming parade in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.