Rex Schlicht led a Special Foods workshop for 4-H members in Sanborn County. Here he explains the preparation process of his tortilla bake casserole recipe.
The Town ‘n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on April 17 at the Forestburg 4-H building. Prior to the meeting, club members ate supper provided by the Linke and Snedeker families.
The meeting was called to order by Junior President Emily Ohlrogge. The flag pledge was led by Isaiah Schultz and the 4-H pledge was led by Hope Baysinger. Roll call was led by Vice President Aaron Linke with 19 members responding to “Name your favorite thing to do in the rain.”
The secretary’s report was read by Junior Secretary Acaiya Schultz and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Xavier Baysinger and approved.
Evan Ohlrogge gave a report on fruit delivery. Bailey Feistner gave a report on the babysitting workshop.
Under old business, President Rex Schlicht explained what will happen at the flag burning ceremony that the club is doing with the American Legion on May 5 at 2:30 p.m. at the school.
The club is still looking for a Skyzone fun trip date and needs to plan a day to put together the poultry cages.
Under new business, Rex encouraged members to participate in the 4-H Phonathon on May 17. Leader Paula Linke talked about the barrel setting schedule, planning for helping the American Legion Auxiliary with poppies in late May and attending 4-H camp this summer.
We also discussed upcoming dates for this summer, including Achievement Days and the State Fair.
Following the meeting, members participated in a Special Foods Workshop that was presented by Rex, Aaron, Shaun and Nick Snedeker and Nathan Linke.