The Town ‘n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on May 22 at the St. Wilfrid Church basement with host Fr. Jim Friedrich. Prior to the meeting, members distributed poppies throughout the community of Woonsocket and collected donations for veterans. Club members enjoyed supper served by the Schmiedt family, along with dessert from the American Legion Auxiliary.
The meeting was called to order by President Rex Schlicht. The flag pledge was led by Henry Hunter, and the 4-H pledge was led by Isaiah Schultz. Roll call was led by Junior Vice President Megan Linke with 28 members answering the question, “Name one thing your family does for fun.”
The secretary’s report was read by Junior Secretary Acaiya Schultz and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was presented by Xavier Baysinger, and approved as presented.
Kaylee White gave a report on State Shooting Sports. Rex talked about the flag burning ceremony. Spens Schlicht reported on the 4-H Phonathon. Bailey Feistner gave a report on the Horse Safety Day, and Acaiya reported on sheep and goat weigh-in. Evan Ohlrogge told about the poultry cage work night, and Emily Ohlrogge gave a report on poppy distribution.
Under old business, members discussed the barrel setting schedule for the SD National Barrel Horse Association event next weekend. Also, a date needs to be found to go to Skyzone.
Under new business, members talked about breeding livestock, and poultry and rabbit entry deadlines on June 1. Rex reminded Special Foods participants to be ready for the event that Thursday. Leader Paula Linke encouraged participation in the county Public Speaking and Fashion Revue contests. The use of the static exhibit entry forms and what to put on them was reviewed. Rex talked about the upcoming Memorial Day and the service, at which he will be speaking. Members need to think about community service ideas for the summer. The new club leader, Jennifer Sandness, was introduced.
Following the meeting, Henry Hunter presented a demonstration on making his Pumpkin Smoothie for Special Foods. Isaiah Schultz gave an illustrated talk on making liquid laundry soap.

The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club distributed poppies and collected donations for veterans this past week. Pictured are: back row, Spens Schlicht, Trista White, Xavier Baysinger, Rex Schlicht, Aaron Linke, Evan Ohlrogge, Megan Linke, Nathan Linke, Collin Schmiedt and Kaylee White; middle row, Charles Hunter, Sebastian Kotilinek, Braxton Gentles, Acaiya Schultz, Bailey Feistner, Morgan Schmiedt, Emily Ohlrogge, Brooklyn Swenson and Henry Hunter; front row , Shiloh Senska, Eli White, Isaiah Schultz, Trinity Kotilinek, Kaitlyn Swenson, Alex Goettsch, Sutton Senska, Cassie Goettsch, Hope Baysinger and Elisha Schultz.