Town ‘N Kountry Red Crew meets

Cloverbuds Eli White, Trinity Kotilinek, Dani Brooks, Cassie Goettsch and Sutton Senska present a butterfly they made to Senior members Rex Schlicht, Shaun Snedeker, Wyatt Feistner, Riley Schmiedt and Spens Schlicht.

Cloverbuds Eli White, Trinity Kotilinek, Dani Brooks, Cassie Goettsch and Sutton Senska present a butterfly they made to Senior members Rex Schlicht, Shaun Snedeker, Wyatt Feistner, Riley Schmiedt and Spens Schlicht.

Megan Linke gives a presentation on identifying kitchen utensils.

Megan Linke gives a presentation on identifying kitchen utensils.

The Town ‘n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on March 21 at the Woonsocket Community Center. Prior to the meeting, club members wrote Easter cards for their elderly friends.
The meeting was called to order by President Rex Schlicht. The Flag pledge was led by Eli White, and the 4-H pledge was led by London Metzger. Roll call was led by Vice President Aaron Linke with 26 members responding to “Name a Kitchen Utensil.”
The secretary’s report was read by Jr. Secretary Acaiya Schultz, and it was approved as read. The treasurer’s report was presented by Jr. Treasurer Sutton Senska. It was moved by Shaun Snedeker and seconded by Wyatt Feistner, to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
Acaiya Schultz and Emily Ohlrogge gave reports on fruit sales. Leader Paula Linke shared what a great effort was put forth by all that resulted in over $4,500 being raised, plus the matching funds of $1,250 by Modern Woodmen.
Under old business, Rex talked about doing a flag burning ceremony at the school with the American Legion. The date was set for May 5 at 2:30 p.m. Paula touched on Skyzone and ice skating plans, and she is working on dates. She also encouraged members to get their public presentations done.
Under new business, Rex talked about planning a Special Foods workshop for all clubs in the county. Paula will work on setting a date. Rex will be in charge of a committee to put on the workshop.  The club will be looking for a date to set up poultry cages. Members were reminded to think of community service ideas for the upcoming year. Rex went over some of the calendar dates for upcoming events.
Following the meeting, Megan Linke gave a presentation on identifying kitchen utensils, followed by all the members doing a kitchen utensil skill-a-thon. Health & Safety Officer Nick Snedeker gave a health presentation on the effects of chewing tobacco.
The Cloverbuds made a butterfly craft using Skittles, a clothespin and pipe cleaners, and presented one to each of the club members.
Character Officers Shaun and Wyatt led a “hot potato” ball-passing activity to teach about the pillar of responsibility.  The activity showed the importance of teamwork and why it’s more difficult to get things done when people are missing.  Everyone’s presence is important.

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