Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on September 13th, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. in the Distance Learning room of the Woonsocket School. The date of the meeting was rescheduled due to a Board Member unable to attend on the regular date of September 11th, 2017. Members attending were: Jason White, Lisa Snedeker, Todd Olinger, Jodi Doering and Neal Hiemstra. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Rob Baruth, Pat Carsrud and Chris Selland. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the meeting agenda with three additional items to come before the board. Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on August 14th, 2017, were approved as presented on a motion by Todd Olinger seconded by Neal Hiemstra. Motion carried.
Rob Baruth addressed the Board and advised that he will be resigning as Co-Head Girl’s Basketball Coach effective immediately. Much appreciation goes out to Mr. Baruth for his many years serving the district and his dedicated contribution to the successful Girl’s Basketball program and five trips in six years to the State Girl’s Basketball Tournament.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jodi Doering, to enter into executive session at 6:06 p.m. to discuss contractual matters as per SDCL #1-25-2.4. Motion carried. The Board reconvened into regular session at 6:53 p.m.
On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the August 2017 financial report as follows, motion carried:
GENERAL FUND, Beginning balance: $1,166,644.49; Add receipts: Taxes $2,842.86; Interest $501.60; Other local $3,852.40; State $81,162.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $1,255,003.35; less disbursements $196,424.86; Cash balance: $1,058,578.49; less operating transfer to fund #53(Pre-K/DE) $75,000.00; plus accounts receivable $54,958.92; Fund Balance: $1,038,537.41.
CAPITAL OUTLAY, Beginning balance: $869,598.38; Add receipts: Taxes $777.00; Other local $0.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $870,375.38; less disbursements $36,379.65; Cash balance: $833,995.73; less accounts payable:$0.00; Fund balance: $833,995.73.
SPECIAL EDUCATION, Beginning balance: $402,689.26; Add receipts: Taxes $371.48; Other Local $111.00; State $0.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $403,171.74; less disbursements $17,568.90; Cash balance: $385,602.84; Less contracts and accounts payable/transfers $0.00; Fund balance: $385,602.84.
PENSION, Beginning balance: $200,358.84; Add receipts: Taxes $18.91; Other Local $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $200,377.75; less disbursements $0.00; Cash balance: $200,377.75; Fund balance: $200,377.75.
FOOD SERVICE, Beginning balance: $29,382.32; Add receipts: Pupil receipts $9,361.10; Adult receipts $174.00; Milk receipts $0.00; Interest $1.25; Other local $59.25; State $566.71; Federal reimbursement $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $39,544.63; less disbursements $8,219.71; Cash balance: $31,324.92; Less contracts/accounts payable $0.00; plus accounts receivable $0.00; Fund balance: $31,324.92.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53, Beginning balance: $10,247.55; Add receipts: Other local $4,595.20; operating transfer in from general fund $75,000.00; Total to be accounted for: $89,842.75; less disbursements $5,164.80; Cash balance: $84,677.95; Less contracts/accounts payable $0.00; plus accounts receivable $5,070.00; Fund balance: $89,747.95.
TRUST AND AGENCY, Beginning balance: $20,238.60; Add receipts: Interest $.86; Pupil activities $3,188.16; Total to be accounted for: $23,427.62; less disbursements $2,501.70; Fund balance: $20,925.92.
Salaries and benefits for the month of August 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: $115,710.03
Special Education: $15,746.04
Enterprise #53: $4,798.26
Food Service: $5,486.68
First National Bank, Safe Deposit Rent/Powercords (Visa) $269.00
Apple Inc., Computer Equipment $1,699.95
Associated School Boards of South Dakota, ASBSD Convention (3) $555.00
AT&T, Cell Phone $58.21
Bethany-Methodist Parish Backpak Program, For Snackpak Program From Donation – Swenson $250.00
Burnison Plumbing & Heating, Plumbing Repairs $149.81
CDW Government Inc., Chrome Books (40) $8,000.00
Chester Area School, Online Classes $500.00
City of Woonsocket, Water Service $126.56
Clayton, Trent, Reimbursement – Battery $3.74
Coca-Cola, Five Gallon Water Bottles – Elemementary $28.22
Council On College Admission – SD, Counselor Conference Fee $55.00
Creation Engine, Inc., Shop-Computer Program License $35.00
Dakota Wesleyan University, ELL Learner Classes – J. Bruce $280.00
DB Electric, Emergency Light/Ballasts $679.10
Express 2, Gas – Mini Buses/Vehicles $205.93
Express Stop, Gas – Mower, Mini-Buses, Vechicles $409.17
Foreman Sales & Service Inc., 2007 Mini Bus Repairs/Maintenance/Tires $2,746.22
High Point Networks, Fortinet License$147.00
Hillyard, Floor Mat $153.65
Horizon Health Care, Bus Driver Physical – J. Bruce $203.00
[Imprest Fund:
Baruth, Corey, Referee – Rained Out Football Stipend $35.00
Brown, Dave, Referee – Rained Out Football Stipend $64.40
Ingalls, Austin, Referee – Rained Out Football Stipend $35.00
Ingalls, Justin, Referee – Rained Out Football Stipend $83.30
Johnson, Jim, Referee – Rained Out Football Stipend $35.00
Mitchell School District, Cross-Country Fee $30.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
Total August Claims: $576.70]
JD Enterprises, Gym Floor Finish Services $1,226.47
K&D Busing Inc., Bus Routes (Reg/Co-Curr.) $14,013.93
KO’s Pro Service, Belt $8.62
Lehr, Dave, Technical Support Fee $140.00
Lieber, Craig, Reimbursement – Books $139.63
Lieber, Sarah, Library Supplies – Reimbursement $285.52
Local Lumber, Custodian Supplies $211.10
Menards, Custodian/Shop Supplies $435.75
NorthWestern Energy, Electric Service $2,879.21
Parker School District, Superintendent Area Dues $60.00
Pauly, Kylie, Curriculum-Reimbursement $169.20
Petty Cash, Postage/Shipping Expense $38.59
Pioneer Randustrial, Field Paint – Striper $670.70
Potrament Paint And Drywall, Paint Crows Nest/Sign Refurbish $700.00
R&L Sanitary Service, Sanitary Services – Football Field $255.00
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications/Programs $418.94
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $299.52
Scenario Learning, Safeschools – Online Training $400.00
Schmiedt, Bailey, Returned Fee For Lost Calculator $100.00
School Specialty, Supplies/Chairs $1,363.73
Sheraton, Lodging – Superintendent – Associated School Boards Conference $278.00
Slykhuis, Clark, Referee – Junior High/Junior Varsity Football $60.00
St. Wilfrids Church – Catholic Daughters, For Snackpak Program From Donation – Swenson $250.00
Success By Design, Student Planners – Sixth Grade $129.16
Teacher Direct, Elementary Supplies $671.82
Teacher Synergy, LLC, Elementary Curriculum $991.69
United Energy/Farmers Alliance Propane – Goverment Building $104.05
VanDenHemel, James, Reimbursement – Bus Driver Physical $120.00
Waste Management of WI-MN, Garbage Service $672.00
Woony Foods, Supplies/Coffee $65.28
Fund Total: $44,289.17
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $1,168.45
Fund Total: $1,168.45
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $672.00
Parent, Mileage – Summer Services $50.40
Fund Total: $722.40
Earthgrains Company, Food $65.76
Variety Food, Food, Supplies, Dishwasher Rent $4,908.17
Woony Foods, Supplies/Food $24.86
Fund Total: $4,998.79
Chris Selland gave the financial report and updated the Board on the tax levy request for taxes payable in 2018. The general fund opt-out levy will be $0 (2017 general fund opt-out was $125,000.00) and the general fund regular levy will drop from $1.568 per $1,000.00 of valuation in 2017 to $1.507 in 2018. There will be an increase in the special education levy from $1.00 to $1.461 to accommodate for additional staff and anticipated increases in expenses, the capital outlay levy will be $600,000.00 as opposed to $475,000.00 for taxes payable in 2017 to build funding for a heating system for the gymnasium and elementary classrooms.
Superintendent Weber updated the Board on Homecoming plans and discussed the plan to host the October 13th football game at Wessington Springs instead of Woonsocket (this was the game that had been traded with Wessington Springs from the Aug. 25 rained out game) as the media box/crows nest can accommodate the announcers/coaches/cameras/radio personnel. Also, the field at Wessington Springs is more suited for the 11-man class with bleacher capacity and restroom availability.
Woonsocket, Sanborn Central and Wessington Springs Board Members (two Board Members from each school) along with Representatives and Administrators from each District met on September 6th. The purpose of the meeting was to hold a general discussion regarding football home events, future co-ops and future sharing opportunities for all schools.
Superintendent Weber also advised that there was an article in the state’s “Good News Bulletin” about our annual Veteran’s Day programs hosted by Mrs. Delvaux and the sixth grade class with help from all staff and students.
The ACT scores from last year are in with the Woonsocket School faring slightly better than the state average.
Also discussed was the plan to hire Koch-Hazard to proceed with and investigate plans for an elementary addition. Proposals were received from Koch-Hazard and Co-Op Architects.
The Board and staff would like to thank Todd Swenson for his generous donation to the school district with half of the donation split between the two Church-run Snack-Pack Programs.
Principal Paula Lynch advised that the staff is ready for parent-teacher conferences and the response to intervention program is going well.
Motion was made to approve the surplus/salvage of the following items: Old Elementary chain link fence, two outdated DDN TV’s, four DDN cabinets, 10 office chairs, one used AC unit, two file cabinets and two outdated smartboards. Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Jodi Doering, and motion carried. The Board will dispose of these items as they see fit.
Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Neal Hiemstra, to approve the following Junior Varsity/Junior High Football Referee stipends for 2017-2018: Junior High games – $25.00 and Junior Varsity games – $35.00. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Todd Olinger, to authorize resolution #4374 – tax levy request for taxes payable in 2018 as follows:
Ag – $1.507 per $1,000.00 of valuation
General Fund Opt-Out – $0
Special Education – $1.461 per $1,000.00 of valuation
Capital Outlay – $600,000.00
Bond Redemption – $0
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve $25.00 per hour for Rebecca Potrament and Matt Henriksen for attending a 3.5 hour special education training on Friday, September 1st, which was a school day off. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve a $20.00 per vehicle (includes mini-buses) per time stipend for cleaning the school vehicles (inside and out) on a quarterly basis or as the Superintendent sees fit depending on the weather/vehicle condition. Change for the carwash will be the responsibility of the person washing the vehicle. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the proposal and procedures contract with Koch-Hazard Architects to start the process of investigating the design, cost, etc. for an elementary addition (approximately 5,000 square ft.). The architect will work alongside G&R Controls. The School Board will hold a public meeting once the preliminary design is created which includes estimated cost, time frame, etc. Motion carried.
On a motion by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Lisa Snedeker, the Board approved the 2017-2018 consolidated Title and Special Education IDEA applications. These are the applications for our district’s federal funding. Motion carried.
It was moved by Jodi Doering, with a second by Neal Hiemstra, to approve a stipend of $35.00 per referee for our rained out football game from Aug. 25, 2017, in lieu of their regular fee for officiating a game, as they were present and spent time waiting to see if the game could be played. Also approved was one-way mileage for two referees. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the resignation of Rob Baruth as Co-Head Girl’s Basketball Coach effective immediately. The Board thanks Mr. Baruth for his many years of service to the District. Motion carried.
On a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Neal Hiemstra, the Board approved a bonus payment of $150.00 each for Sarah Lieber and Pat Carsrud for time spent updating the library. Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the September 13th, 2017, regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. on a motion by Neal Hiemstra with a second by Lisa Snedeker. Motion carried.
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